Networking on z/OS
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TCP/IP on z/OS

Networking on z/OS

TCP/IP on z/OS supports all of the well-known server and client applications.

The TCP/IP started task is the engine that drives all IP-based activity on z/OS. The TCP/IP profile data set controls the configuration of the TCP/IP environment.

The FTP server implements the FTP standard and can communicate with any FTP clients on the network. The telnet server implements a standard line mode telnet daemon.

Even though z/OS is an EBCDIC host, communication with ASCII-based IP applications is seamless.

IP applications running on z/OS use a resolver configuration file for environmental values. Locating a resolver configuration file is somewhat complicated by the dual operating system nature of z/OS (UNIX and MVS).

IPv4 versus IPv6: As of the time of writing, IPv6 continues to be the coming standard for IP addresses. However, it has not been widely implemented yet. Therefore, although this information uses examples and scenarios in an IPv4 context only, you should be aware that IPv6 is fully supported on z/OS.

Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 2010