Unconfiguring async adapters

You can unconfigure an async adapter.

To perform these tasks, you must log in as root user.

The following are the steps for unconfiguring async adapters.

Before you can remove or replace an async adapter, you must unconfigure that adapter. Unconfiguring an async adapter involves the following tasks:

  • Closing all applications that are using the adapter you are removing, replacing, or moving
  • Ensuring that all devices connected to the adapter are identified and stopped
  • Listing all slots that are currently in use or a slot that is occupied by a specific adapter
  • Identifying the adapter's slot location
  • Making parent and child devices unavailable
  • Making the adapter unavailable


Before you can replace or remove an async adapter, you must unconfigure the adapter and all the devices controlled by that adapter. To unconfigure the devices, you must terminate all the processes using those devices. Use the following steps:

  1. Close all applications that are using the adapter you are unconfiguring.
  2. Type lsslot-c pci to list all the hot plug slots in the system unit and display their characteristics.
  3. Type lsdev -C -c tty to list all available tty devices and the current state of all the devices in the system unit.
  4. Type lsdev -C -c printer to list all printer and plotter devices connected to the adapter.
  5. Use the rmdev command to make the adapter unavailable.
    Attention: Do not use the -d flag with the rmdev command for hot plug operations because this will cause your configuration to be removed.