Setting quotas for users on a per-project basis

A file system must be properly configured in order to set quotas for users. Use this information to set quotas for any number of users on a per-project basis across protocols.

  1. Ensure the file system is configured correctly to use quotas:
    1. The -Q yes option must be in effect for the file system.
    2. To set default quotas at the fileset level, the --perfileset-quota option must also be in effect.
      Note: If --perfileset-quota is in effect, all users and groups in the fileset root will not be impacted by default quota unless they are explicitly set.
    The -Q yes and --perfileset-quota options are specified when creating a file system with the mmcrfs command or changing file system attributes with the mmchfs command. Use the mmlsfs command to display the current settings of these quota options.
    Here are some examples:
    1. If a GPFS™ cluster is created with configuration profile file, example.profile, which contains the following lines:
      then, when a file system is created, those quota attributes will be set automatically: quota accounting will be enabled on a perfileset basis for users and groups, and quotas will automatically be enforced. This means that when a quota is reached, the end user will not be able to add more data to the file system.

      mmcrfs fs5 nsd8

      A listing of the file system config, using the mmlsfs command, will show the following attributes and values, having been set by the mmcrfs command:

      mmlsfs fs5

             -Q                     user;group;fileset       Quotas accounting enabled
                                    user;group;fileset       Quotas enforced
                                    none                     Default quotas enabled
             --perfileset-quota     Yes                      Per-fileset quota enforcement

    2. Whether or not a GPFS was created with a configuration profile file, a GPFS file system can be created with the quota attributes to be set. This can be done by calling the configuration profile file explicitly from the command line:

      mmcrfs fs6 nsd9 --profile=example

      For more information on user-defined profiles, see mmcrfs command.

  2. Create a fileset on the file system for the project using the mmcrfileset command.

    For example:

    mmcrfileset fs5 projectX --inode-space=new
    Note: It is recommended to create an independent fileset for the project.
  3. Link the fileset using the mmlinkfileset command.

    The file system, fs5, must be mounted, using the mmmount command. For example:

    mmmount fs5 -a

    mmchfs fs5 --inode-limit 400000:300000

        Set maxInodes for inode space 0 to 400000   
        Fileset root changed.

    mmlinkfileset fs5 projectX -J /gpfs/fs5/projectX

  4. Create export/share using the newly created fileset as the export/share path. For more information, see the mmnfs command and the mmsmb command. For example:

    mmnfs export add /gpfs/fs5/projectX

  5. If needed, specify absolute fileset inode limits using the mmchfileset command. A fileset inode limit is analogous to saying this is how many files and directories the project is likely to produce. This is not something that can be easily recommended. Nonetheless, here is an example of how that can be set and listed for the file system and fileset:

    mmchfileset fs5 projectX --inode-limit 200000

        Set maxInodes for inode space 1 to 200000   
        Fileset projectX changed.

    mmlsfileset fs5 -L

     Filesets in file
     system 'fs5':   
        Name        Id   RootInode  ParentId   Created                   Inode Space   MaxInodes   AllocInodes  Comment
        root        0       3          --      Sat Mar 28 13:40:33 2015   0   400000    310656     root         fileset
        projectX    1     524291       --      Sat Mar 28 14:54:13 2015   1   200000    100032
  6. Now that there is a fileset limit in place, which is entirely optional, to set group quota limits on the project, that is, on fileset projectX on file system fs5, use the mmsetquota command. For example, if the group groupY will access projectX:

    mmsetquota fs5:projectX --group groupY --block 128G --files 150K

    Here, the perfileset quota needs to be enabled on fs5 as in step 1, and the group groupY must have a GID (group ID) on the GPFS cluster. The block parameter is used to specify the maximum size of the data on the storage device and the files parameter is used to specify the maximum number for files (or directories) the groupY is able to consume or create on projectX, a fileset of file system fs5 that is exported through NFS in this example.

    At this point, the quota accounting needs to be refreshed on the file system using the mmcheckquota command, and then a reporting of the quota limits on projectX can take place using the mmrepquota command. For example:

    mmcheckquota fs5

    mmrepquota fs5:projectX

                                   Block Limits                      |           File Limits           
     Name    fileset    type  KB       quota  limit  in_doubt grace  | files   quota  limit in_doubt  grace
     root    projectX   USR    0           0      0        0   none  |     1       0      0        0   none           
     root    projectX   GRP    0           0      0        0   none  |     1       0      0        0   none
     groupY  projectX   GRP    0   134217728      0        0   none  |     0  153600      0        0   none
  7. If the project grows, or shrinks, and quota changes at the group level are needed, the mmsetquota command can again be used to change the quotas for groupY on projectX. For example, if the expected limits for projectX doubles:

    mmsetquota fs5:projectX --group groupY --block 256G --files 300K

    mmrepquota fs5:projectX

                                        Block Limits                |                 File Limits           
     Name   fileset    type   KB      quota  limit in_doubt  grace  | files   quota  limit in_doubt  grace
     root   projectX   USR     0          0      0        0   none  |     1       0      0        0   none           
     root   projectX   GRP     0          0      0        0   none  |     1       0      0        0   none
     groupY projectX   GRP     0  268435456      0        0   none  |     0  307200      0        0   none
  8. If the project is projected to exceed the inode limits for the fileset and file system, then these can also be adjusted upwards. For more information, see mmchfs command.