Measuring the resource usage of applications deployed on platforms

For CICS® applications that are deployed on platforms, you can measure resource usage by using application context data. You can measure an application as a whole or measure and compare specific application operations.

Before you begin

To generate application context data, the application must be packaged and deployed on a platform, and the application must have a declared set of application entry points. An application entry point defines how other applications and users enter a CICS application. For more information on application entry points, see Application entry points.

About this task

CICS adds an application context to each task at the point the application is entered. Application context data flows between tasks and across IPIC and MRO connections where application components are deployed on separate regions. Application context data identifies the application, operation, application version, and the platform in which the application is running. For more information on application context, see Application context.

Start of changeWhen performance class monitoring is enabled, task monitoring records include the application context values of the initial application that a task is associated with.End of change

The current application context data is available in the task association data, and is also recorded as part of the performance class data, which provides detailed transaction-level information.


  1. In the CICS SM perspective of CICS Explorer®, click Operations > Regions to open the Regions view.
  2. Double-click each region in the platform to enable monitoring:
    1. Change the Monitoring Status field to ON.
    2. Change the Performance Monitoring Status field to PERF.
    CICS starts to collect monitoring records in the region. CICS writes at least one performance monitoring record for each transaction. Monitoring records are saved as SMF110 records for offline analysis.
  3. Use an offline processing facility, such as CICS Performance Analyzer (CICS PA), to analyze the monitoring records.
    CICS PA has a plug-in for CICS Explorer so you can control CICS monitoring and analyze monitoring records in the same Eclipse environment.


You activated monitoring across a set of CICS regions and collected SMF 110 records that include application context data. You used an offline processing facility to analyze the resource usage for an application.

What to do next

When appropriate, turn off monitoring in the CICS regions.