Migrating V6.2 custom widgets to V8.5.6

If you want to use custom IBM® Business Monitor dashboard widgets that were developed for V6.2 in IBM Business Monitor V8.5.6, you must migrate them. Support for custom iWidgets was deprecated in V8.5.5.

Before you begin

The migration documentation assumes that you have experience in developing iWidgets for IBM Business Monitor V6.2. See the V6.2 documentation at Overview of developing widgets.


  1. Migrate the profile that contains the custom widgets.
  2. Uninstall the custom widget EAR.
    Important: Your V6.2 widgets might use Dojo. The instance of the IBM Dojo Toolkit that is used by widgets in IBM BPM V8.5.6 is based on V1.6.1 of the Dojo toolkit. However, this bundled version might be updated as needed over time. Updates might include entire new Dojo versions and specific defect fixes. Compatibility of future Dojo versions is defined by the Dojo project.
  3. Update the code in your widget if the upgrade to the iWidget specification impacts your widgets. The following table shows the iWidget specification that applies to each version of IBM Business Monitor.
    IBM Business Monitor iWidget specification version
    6.2 1.0.5
    V8.5.6 2.1
    You can download V2.1 of the iWidget specification from http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/dw/lotus/mashups/developer/iwidget-spec-v2.1.pdf. Review the specification for changes and deprecations to see how the upgrade impacts your widgets.
  4. To package the widgets:
    1. Create an ear directory. Copy the .ear files that contain the migrated widget definition files and widget implementation files into the ear directory.
    2. Create a catalog directory and copy the catalog XML (widget registration) files into it.
    3. Create an endpoints directory and copy the endpoint registration files into it if there are any endpoint registration files.
    4. Create a help directory and copy the help plug-ins into it if there are any help plug-ins.
    5. Compress the ear, catalog, endpoints, and help directories into a .zip file. Check that the structure of the compressed file contains the following items:
      • ear\widgets_name.ear (one or more EAR files)
      • catalog\catalog_name.xml
      • endpoints\*.xml
      • help\eclipse\plugins\*
  5. At the command line, change directories to the profile_root/bin or cluster_root/bin directory.
  6. Enter wsadmin.bat -conntype NONE and then enter the appropriate command:
    • For a non-clustered environment:
      • Jython command:
        AdminTask.updateBusinessSpaceWidgets('{-nodeName node -serverName server -widgets fullpath}')
      • Jacl command:
        $AdminTask updateBusinessSpaceWidgets {-nodeName node -serverName server -widgets fullpath}
    • For a clustered environment:
      • Jython command:
        AdminTask.updateBusinessSpaceWidgets('{-clusterName cluster -widgets fullpath}')
      • Jacl command:
        $AdminTask updateBusinessSpaceWidgets {-clusterName cluster -widgets fullpath}
    Fullpath is the name and location of the .zip file or parent folder you created.

    For more information on updateBusinessSpaceWidgets, see updateBusinessSpaceWidgets command.

  7. Enter Exit to complete the migration.
  8. Restart the server or cluster.