Enabling client certificate authentication for web services access

You can configure client certificate authentication for your client applications to access web services.

Before you begin

You must complete the following prerequisites before enabling client certificate authentication for web services access:
  • Generate a pair of self-signed public and private keys for provider.
    keytool -genkey -alias default -keystore serverKey.jks -dname "CN=myServer, O=IBM, C=CN" 
        -storepass passw0rd -keypass passw0rd -storetype jks  -validity 1000 -keyalg RSA
  • Export the certificate of the default and import the certificate into the trust store.
    keytool -export -alias default -file myserver.cer -keystore serverKey.jks
        -storepass passw0rd -storetype jks
    keytool -import -file myserver.cer -alias default -keystore clientTrust.jks 
        -storepass passw0rd -keypass passw0rd -storetype jks
  • Generate two pairs of self-signed public and private for client.
    keytool -genkey -alias user0 -keystore clientKey.jks -dname "CN=employee0, O=IBM, C=CN"
        -storepass passw0rd -keypass passw0rd -storetype jks  -validity 1000 -keyalg RSA
    keytool -genkey -alias admin0 -keystore clientKey.jks -dname "CN=manager0, O=IBM, C=CN"
        -storepass passw0rd -keypass passw0rd -storetype jks  -validity 1000 -keyalg RSA
  • Export the certificates of the two alias and import the certificate into the trust store.
    keytool -export -alias user0 -file user0.cer -keystore clientKey.jks -storepass passw0rd -storetype jks
    keytool -export -alias admin0 -file admin0.cer -keystore clientKey.jks -storepass passw0rd -storetype jks
    keytool -import -file user0.cer -alias user0 -keystore serverTrust.jks -storepass passw0rd -keypass passw0rd -storetype jks
    keytool -import -file admin0.cer -alias admin0 -keystore serverTrust.jks -storepass passw0rd -keypass passw0rd -storetype jks
  • Copy the serverKey.jks, serverTrust.jks, clientKey.jks, and clientTrust.jks files to the ${server.config.dir}/resources/security directory.
Note: The keytool utility can be found in your Java™ installation directory.

About this task

If you need to use the web service client application with the Client Certificate Authentication to access the protected web service resources, the client must provide the valid certificate in the request and must use the HTTPS to communicate with the service provider.


  1. Enable the jaxws-2.2, servlet-3.0(or servlet-3.1) and appSecurity-2.0 features in the server.xml file.
  2. Configure the SSL element and client customized SSL element in the server.xml file.
    <!-- Server SSL configuration -->
    <ssl id="defaultSSLConfig" keyStoreRef="serverKeyStore" trustStoreRef="serverTrustStore" 
    <keyStore id="serverKeyStore" location="serverKey.jks" type="JKS" password="passw0rd" /> 
    <keyStore id="serverTrustStore" location="serverTrust.jks" type="JKS" password="passw0rd" /> 
    <!-- customize SSL configuration -->
    <ssl id="customizeSSLConfig" keyStoreRef="clientKeyStore" trustStoreRef="clientTrustStore" /> 
    <keyStore id="clientKeyStore" location="clientKey.jks" type="JKS" password="passw0rd" /> 
    <keyStore id="clientTrustStore" location="clientTrust.jks" type="JKS" password="passw0rd" />
  3. Configure the login realm in the server.xml file and bind the realm to the service provider.
    <application id="TransportSecurityProvider" name="TransportSecurityProvider"
                 location="TransportSecurityProvider.war" type="ear">
                <security-role name="Employee">
                    <user name="employee0" />
                    <group name="employeeGroup" />
                <security-role name="Manager">
                    <user name="manager0" />
                <security-role name="AllAuthenticated">
                    <special-subject type="ALL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS" />
        <basicRegistry id="basic" realm="BasicRealm">
            <user name="employee0" password="emp0pwd" />
            <user name="employee1" password="emp1pwd" />
            <user name="manager0" password="mgr0pwd" />
            <group name="employeeGroup">
                <member name="employee0" />
                <member name="employee1" />
  4. Configure the service provider.
    1. Create web services.
      @WebService(serviceName = "SayHelloPojoService",
                  portName = "SayHelloPojoPort")
      public class SayHelloPojoService implements SayHelloService {
      @WebService(serviceName = "SayHelloStatelessService",
                  portName = "SayHelloStatelessPort",
                  endpointInterface = "com.ibm.ws.jaxws.transport.server.security.SayHelloService")
      @Stateless(name = "SayHelloSessionBean")
      public class SayHelloStatelessService implements SayHelloLocal {
    2. Configure the ibm-ws-bnd.xml file for the service provider.
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <webservices-bnd xmlns="http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee" 
      		xsi:schemaLocation="http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee/ibm-ws-bnd_1_0.xsd"  
      					<web-resource-name>Only Managers</web-resource-name>
      				<auth-constraint id="AuthConstraint_manager">
      				<auth-constraint id="AuthConstraint_employee">
      			<!-- SECURITY ROLES -->
      			<security-role id="Staff">
      			<!-- AUTHENTICATION METHOD: client-cert authentication -->
      			<!-- login configuration -->
      			<login-config id="LoginConfig">
      • The ibm-ws-bnd.xml file must be in the /WEB-INF directory of a web application, or the /META-INF directory of an EJB-based web service application (JAR archive).
      • The login-config element in the ibm-ws-bnd.xml file takes effect only in an EJB-based web service application (JAR archive). For a web application, the login-config element is ignored and the value of the same element in the web.xml file is used.
  5. Configure the service client by specifying the web service endpoints. For example, the client application is a web application named TransportSecurityClient.war.
    1. Configure the client application in the server.xml file.
      <application id="TransportSecurityClient" name="TransportSecurityClient" 
      		context-root="TransportSecurityClient" type="war" />
    2. Configure the ibm-ws-bnd.xml file for the client application.
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <webservices-bnd xmlns="http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee" 
      		xsi:schemaLocation="http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee/ibm-ws-bnd_1_0.xsd"
      	<!-- POJO service reference binding-->
      	<service-ref name="service/SayHelloPojoService">
      		<port name="SayHelloPojoPort" 
          <properties http.conduit.tlsClientParameters.disableCNCheck="true" />
      	<!-- Stateless service reference binding-->
      	<service-ref name="service/SayHelloStatelessService">
      		<port name="SayHelloStatelessPort" 
          <properties http.conduit.tlsClientParameters.disableCNCheck="true" />
      • The ibm-ws-bnd.xml file must be in the /WEB-INF directory of the client web application.
      • The key-alias attribute specifies the valid client certificate in client key store that is defined in the server.xml file. In this example, the client keystore is defined as follows:
        <keyStore id="clientKeyStore" location="clientKey.jks" type="JKS" password="passw0rd" />
      • The ssl-ref attribute in the ibm-ws-bnd.xml file must match the correct id attribute of the ssl element in the server.xml file. In this example, the ssl element is defined as follows:
        <ssl id="customizeSSLConfig" keyStoreRef="clientKeyStore" trustStoreRef="clientTrustStore" />
      • The value of key-alias attribute can also override the value of clientKeyAlias attribute of the ssl element in the server.xml file.
    3. Generate the client stubs through WSDL location.
      @WebServiceClient(name = "SayHelloPojoService",
          targetNamespace = "http://ibm.com/ws/jaxws/transport/security/",
          wsdlLocation = "https://localhost:8020/TransportSecurityProvider/unauthorized/employPojoService?wsdl")
      public class SayHelloPojoService
                      extends Service
      @WebServiceClient(name = "SayHelloStatelessService",
          targetNamespace = "http://ibm.com/ws/jaxws/transport/security/",
          wsdlLocation = "https://localhost:8020/TransportSecurityProvider/unauthorized/EmployStatelessService?wsdl")
      public class SayHelloStatelessService
                      extends Service
    4. Use the @WebServiceRef annotation to inject the web service into the servlet. For example, the TestJaxWsTransportSecurityServlet.
      @WebServiceRef(name = "service/SayHelloPojoService")
      SayHelloPojoService pojoService;
      @WebServiceRef(name = "service/SayHelloStatelessService")
      SayHelloStatelessService statelessService;