OmniFind messages

You can see the OmniFind messages for OmniFind Text Search for DB2® for i. The messages are listed in numeric sequence.

Messages are added to the OmniFind message file (QDBTSLIB/QOMFMSGF) for the following errors.

Table 1. OmniFind messages
Number Type Message
OMF0011 Information Text search index restored with different configuration options.
OMF0012 Warning The FORMAT type for the index being created is not XML. XML searches are not supported.
OMF0334 Error The object ''{0}''.''{1}'' you specified is not supported. A Text Search index can only be built over an SQL table, an SQL alias, or a single member of a physical file.
OMF0358 Error The current user does not have enough authority to perform the requested operation.
OMF0359 Error Restore failed. The text server for the text index is not available.