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The CHANGE_USER_SPACE_ATTRIBUTES procedure changes the attributes of a user space (*USRSPC) object.

The values used by the procedure are closely related to the values handled by the Change User Space Attributes (QUSCUSAT) API.

Authorization: The caller must have:
  • *EXECUTE authority to the library containing the user space, and
  • *CHANGE and *OBJMGT authority to the user space.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramCHANGE_USER_SPACE_ATTRIBUTES( USER_SPACE => user-space,USER_SPACE_LIBRARY => user-space-library,SIZE => size,EXTENDABLE => extendable,INITIAL_VALUE => initial-value,TRANSFER_SIZE => transfer-size)

The schema is QSYS2.

A character string containing the name of the user space to be changed.
A character string containing the name of the library containing the user space to be changed. Can be one of the following special values:
The job's current library is used.
The library list is used. This is the default.
An integer value specifying the size, in bytes, of the user space object. This value must be from 1 byte to 16,773,120 bytes. If the value is smaller than the current size of the space, the user space is truncated. If it is larger, the space is extended.
If this parameter is omitted, the size is not changed.
An character string that indicates whether the user space can be automatically extended.
The user space is not automatically extendable.
The user space is automatically extendable.
If this parameter is omitted, the automatic extend attribute is not changed.
A one byte binary value containing the initial value to which future extensions of the user space will be set. The best performance is when this value indicates hexadecimal zeros (BX'00').
If this parameter is omitted, the initial value is not changed.
An integer value that indicates the number of pages to be transferred between main storage and auxiliary storage. This is only a request, as system processing can use a value of its choice in some circumstances. Allowable values are from 0 to 32 pages. A value of 0 indicates that the default transfer size for the user space should be used. A larger transfer size may allow for better performance of applications processing the user space.
If this parameter is omitted, the transfer size is not changed.


  • Truncate user space USRSPC1 in APPLIB to a size of 200 bytes.
                                            USER_SPACE_LIBRARY => 'APPLIB',
                                            SIZE => 200);
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