The DESCRIBE OUTPUT statement obtains information about a prepared statement.

For an explanation of prepared statements, see PREPARE.


This statement can only be embedded in an application program, SQL function, SQL procedure, or trigger. It is an executable statement that cannot be dynamically prepared. It must not be specified in Java™.


None required. See PREPARE for the authorization required to create a prepared statement.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDESCRIBEOUTPUTstatement-name USINGSQLDESCRIPTORLOCALGLOBALSQL-descriptor-nameINTOdescriptor-nameUSINGNAMESSYSTEM NAMESLABELSANYBOTHALL


Identifies the prepared statement. When the DESCRIBE statement is executed, the name must identify a prepared statement at the application server.

If the prepared statement is a fullselect or VALUES INTO statement, the information returned describes the columns in its result table. If the prepared statement is a CALL statement, the information returned describes the OUT and INOUT parameters of the procedure.

Identifies an SQL descriptor.
Specifies the scope of the name of the descriptor to be local to program invocation.
Specifies the scope of the name of the descriptor to be global to the SQL session.
Names the SQL descriptor. The name must identify a descriptor that already exists with the specified scope.

See GET DESCRIPTOR for an explanation of the information that is placed in the SQL descriptor.

INTO descriptor-name
Identifies an SQL descriptor area (SQLDA), which is described in SQLDA (SQL descriptor area). Before the DESCRIBE statement is executed, the following variable in the SQLDA must be set.
Indicates the number of SQLVAR entries provided in the SQLDA. SQLN must be set to a value greater than or equal to zero before the DESCRIBE statement is executed. For information about techniques to determine the number of occurrences requires, see Determining how many SQLVAR occurrences are needed.
The rules for REXX are different. For more information, see the Embedded SQL Programming topic collection.

When the DESCRIBE statement is executed, the database manager assigns values to the variables of the SQLDA as follows:

The first 6 bytes are set to 'SQLDA ' (that is, 5 letters followed by the space character).

The seventh byte is set based on the result columns described:

  • If the SQLDA contains two, three, or four SQLVAR entries for every select list item (or, column of the result table), the seventh byte is set to '2', '3', or '4'. This technique is used in order to accommodate LOB or distinct type result columns, labels, and system names.
  • Otherwise, the seventh byte is set to the space character.

The seventh byte is set to the space character if there is not enough room in the SQLDA to contain the description of all result columns.

The eighth byte is set to the space character.

Length of the SQLDA in bytes.
If the prepared statement is a SELECT, SQLD is set to the number of columns in its result table plus the number of extended SQLVAR entries. For information about extended SQLVAR entries see, Field descriptions in an occurrence of SQLVAR. If the prepared statement is a CALL statement, SQLD is set to the number of OUT and INOUT parameters of the procedure. If the prepared statement is a VALUES INTO, SQLD is set to the number of expressions in the VALUES clause plus the number of extended SQLVAR entries. Otherwise, SQLD is set to 0.
If the value of SQLD is 0, or greater than the value of SQLN, no values are assigned to occurrences of SQLVAR.

If the value of SQLD is n, where n is greater than 0 but less than or equal to the value of SQLN, values are assigned to the first n occurrences of SQLVAR so that the first occurrence of SQLVAR contains a description of the first column of the result table (or parameter or expression in the VALUES clause), the second occurrence of SQLVAR contains a description of the second column of the result table (or parameter or expression in the VALUES clause), and so on. For information about the values assigned to SQLVAR occurrences, see Field descriptions in an occurrence of SQLVAR.

Specifies what value to assign to each SQLNAME variable in the SQLDA. If the requested value does not exist or if the length of a name is greater than 30, SQLNAME is set to a length of 0.
Assigns the name of the column (or parameter). This is the default. For the DESCRIBE of a prepared statement where the name is explicitly listed in the select-list, the name specified is returned. The column name returned is case sensitive and without delimiters.
Assigns the system column name of the column.
Assigns the label of the column. (Column labels are defined by the LABEL statement.) Only the first 20 bytes of the label are returned.
Assigns the column label. If the column has no label, the column name is used instead.
Assigns both the label and name of the column. In this case, two or three occurrences of SQLVAR per column, depending on whether the result set contains distinct types, are needed to accommodate the additional information. To specify this expansion of the SQLVAR array, set SQLN to 2*n or 3*n(where n is the number of columns in the table or view). The first n occurrences of SQLVAR contain the column names. Either the second or third n occurrences contain the column labels. If there are no distinct types, the labels are returned in the second set of SQLVAR entries. Otherwise, the labels are returned in the third set of SQLVAR entries.
Assigns the label, column name, and system column name. In this case three or four occurrences of SQLVAR per column, depending on whether the result set contains distinct types, are needed to accommodate the additional information. To specify this expansion of the SQLVAR array, set SQLN to 3*n or 4*n (where n is the number of columns in the result table). The first n occurrences of SQLVAR contain the system column names. The second or third n occurrences contain the column labels. The third or fourth n occurrences contain the column names if they are different from the system column name. Otherwise the SQLNAME field is set to a length of zero. If there are no distinct types, the labels are returned in the second set of SQLVAR entries and the column names are returned in the third set of SQLVAR entries. Otherwise, the labels are returned in the third set of SQLVAR entries and the column names are returned in the fourth set of SQLVAR entries.


PREPARE INTO: Information about a prepared statement can also be obtained by using the INTO clause of the PREPARE statement.

Allocating the SQL descriptor: Before the DESCRIBE statement is executed, the SQL descriptor must be allocated using the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement. If the number of descriptor items allocated is less than the number of result columns, a warning (SQLSTATE 01005) is returned.

Allocating the SQLDA: In C, COBOL, PL/I, and RPG, before the DESCRIBE or PREPARE INTO statement is executed, enough storage must be allocated for some number of SQLVAR occurrences. SQLN must then be set to the number of SQLVAR occurrences that were allocated. To obtain the description of the columns of the result table of a prepared SELECT statement, the number of occurrences of SQLVAR entries must not be less than the number of columns. Furthermore, if the columns include LOBs or distinct types, the number of occurrences of SQLVAR entries should be two times the number of columns. See Determining how many SQLVAR occurrences are needed for more information. Among the possible ways to allocate the SQLDA are the three described below:

First technique
Allocate an SQLDA with enough occurrences of SQLVAR entries to accommodate any select list that the application will have to process. At the extreme, the number of SQLVARs could equal two times the maximum number of columns allowed in a result table. Having done the allocation, the application can use this SQLDA repeatedly.

This technique uses a large amount of storage that is never deallocated, even when most of this storage is not used for a particular select list.

Second technique
Repeat the following three steps for every processed select list:
  1. Execute a DESCRIBE statement with an SQLDA that has no occurrences of SQLVAR entries; that is, an SQLDA for which SQLN is zero. The value returned for SQLD is either the required number of occurrences of SQLVAR entries or the number of result columns. Because there were no SQLVAR entries, a warning will be issued.1
  2. If the seventh byte of SQLDAID field is not a blank, then allocate an SQLDA with (the value in the seventh byte of SQLDAID) * SQLD occurrences and set SQLN in the new SQLDA to (the value in the seventh byte of SQLDAID) * SQLD. Otherwise, allocate an SQLDA with SQLD occurrences and set SQLN in the new SQLDA to the value of SQLD.
  3. Execute the DESCRIBE statement again, using this new SQLDA.

This technique allows better storage management than the first technique, but it doubles the number of DESCRIBE statements.

Third technique
Allocate an SQLDA that is large enough to handle most, and perhaps all, select lists but is also reasonably small. If an execution of DESCRIBE fails because the SQLDA is too small, allocate a larger SQLDA and execute DESCRIBE again. For the new SQLDA, use the value of SQLD (or double the value of SQLD) returned from the first execution of DESCRIBE for the number of occurrences of SQLVAR entries.

This technique is a compromise between the first two techniques. Its effectiveness depends on a good choice of size for the original SQLDA.

Considerations for implicitly hidden columns: A DESCRIBE OUTPUT statement only returns information about implicitly hidden columns if the column (of a base table that is defined as implicitly hidden) is explicitly specified as part of the SELECT list of the final result table of the query described. If implicitly hidden columns are not part of the result table of a query, a DESCRIBE OUTPUT statement that returns information about that query will not contain information about any implicitly hidden columns.


In a C program, execute a DESCRIBE statement with an SQLDA that has no occurrences of SQLVAR entries. If SQLD is greater than zero, use the value to allocate an SQLDA with the necessary number of occurrences of SQLVAR entries and then execute a DESCRIBE statement using that SQLDA.

    char stmt1_str [200];
  struct sqlda initialsqlda;
  struct sqlda *sqldaPtr;


  … /* code to prompt user for a query, then to generate    */
      /* a select-statement in the stmt1_str                  */

  … /* code to set SQLN to zero and to allocate the SQLDA   */
  EXEC SQL  DESCRIBE STMT1_NAME INTO :initialsqlda;    

  if (initialsqlda.sqld == 0);  /* statement is a select-statement */
     … /* Code to allocate correct size SQLDA (sets sqldaPtr) */

     if (strcmp(SQLSTATE,"01005") == 0)
        sqldaPtr->sqln = 2*initialsqlda.sqld;
        sqldaPtr->sqln = initialsqlda.sqld;

     … /* code to prepare for the use of the SQLDA             */

     … /* loop to fetch rows from result table                 */


1 If LOBs or UDTs are not in the result set, the warning is only returned if the standards option is specified. For information about the standards option, see Standards compliance.