Treatment of CDATA sections in annotated XML schema decomposition

If elements that are annotated for decomposition contain CDATA sections, the decomposition process inserts the contests of the CDATA sections into tables, without the CDATA section delimiters ("<![CDATA[" and "]]>").

Carriage return and line feed pairs (U+000D and U+000A) or carriage returns (U+000D) within the CDATA section are replaced with line feeds (U+000A).

If the XML element declaration in the XML schema is annotated with the attribute db2-xdb:contentHandling="serializeSubtree", the contents of the CDATA section are inserted into tables with the following changes:
  • CDATA section delimiters ("<![CDATA[" and "]]>") are removed.
  • Each ampersand (&) in the CDATA section is replaced by the string &amp:.
  • Each left angle bracket (<) in the CDATA section is replaced by the string &lt:.

The content of the CDATA section after decomposition is logically equivalent to the original content of the CDTATA section.