QSYS2.SYSTEXTINDEXES administration table

You can see information about each text search index in the QSYS2.SYSTEXTINDEXES administration table. Each text search index has a name, schema name, and an associated collection name on the text search server.

The following table shows the contents of the QSYS2.SYSTEXTINDEXES administration table. The unique key for this table is the INDEXSCHEMA column with the INDEXNAME column. The primary key is the INDEXID column.

Table 1. Contents of the QSYS2.SYSTEXTINDEXES administration table
Column name Data type Nullable? Description
INDEXID INTEGER No Uniquely generated index ID for the text search index.
INDEXSCHEMA VARCHAR(128) No Schema name for the text search index.
INDEXNAME VARCHAR(128) No Unqualified name of the text search index.
TABLESCHEMA VARCHAR(128) No Schema name of the base table.
TABLENAME VARCHAR(128) No Unqualified name of the base table.
TABLEIASP SMALLINT No Independent ASP of the base table.
COLLECTIONNAME VARCHAR(255) No Name of the associated collection on the text search server.
SERVERID INTEGER No The server ID for the text search index.
TAKEOVERSERVERID INTEGER Yes Reserved for future use.
SEARCHARGS VARBINARY(1024) Yes Reserved for future use.
ALIASSCHEMA VARCHAR(128) No The alias for the schema of the base table that was used in the SYSPROC.SYSTS_CREATE stored procedure. If no alias is used, this value is identical to TABLESCHEMA.
ALIASNAME VARCHAR(128) No The alias for the name of the base table that was used in the SYSPROC.SYSTS_CREATE stored procedure. If no alias is used, this value is identical to TABLENAME.
STAGINGTABLENAME VARCHAR(128) Yes The name of the log table for the text search index.
EVENTTABLENAME VARCHAR(128) No The name of the event table for the text search index.
OFINDEXTABLENAME VARCHAR(128) No The name of the table for the text search index on the OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2® for i.
UPDATEMINIMUM INTEGER No Minimum number of entries in the log table before an incremental update of the text search index is performed.
UPDATEFREQUENCY VARCHAR(512) No The update frequency for the text search index as specified by the SYSPROC.SYSTS_CREATE stored procedure.
UPDATEMODE INTEGER No Indicates the update mode of the text search index. The integer 0 (zero) indicates the initial update of the text search index. A value of 1 indicates subsequent, incremental updates.
REORGANIZATIONMODE INTEGER No Indicates the reorganization mode of the text search index.
CREATETIME TIMESTAMP No The time that the text search index was created.
LASTUPDATETIME TIMESTAMP Yes The time that the text search index was last updated.
LASTUPDATESTATUS CHAR Yes Indicates the internal status for optimizing the cleanup process after an initial or incremental update of the text search index. Typical values include:
  • (Null) indicates that the index has never been updated.
  • 'C' indicates that an initial update was initiated. If the update mode is not incremental, then the initial update is either still in progress or did not complete.
  • 'N' indicates that an incremental update has successfully completed.
Other codes are used internally during update processing. The update process uses these codes to determine specific recovery actions that can be taken if the update fails to complete.
SCHEDULERTASKID INTEGER Yes Reserved for future use.
EXPRESSIONLISTS CLOB (32 K) Yes Reserved for future use.
EXPRESSIONNUMBERS VARBINARY(32) Yes Reserved for future use.
USEREXITFUNCTION VARCHAR(18) Yes Reserved for future use.
REMARKS VARCHAR(2000) Yes Remarks made in the COMMENTS option of the index-configuration-options parameter of the SYSPROC.SYSTS_CREATE stored procedure.
TABLEMBR VARCHAR(10) Yes The table member over which the text index is built. Used to track the specific member being indexed if the file is a multi-member file. If the value is null, the member is the first and only member of the table.