What's New in 7.4?

This section describes the enhancements made to ILE RPG in 7.4.

Varying-dimension arrays
A varying-dimension array is defined with DIM(*AUTO:maximum_elements) or DIM(*VAR:maximum_elements). The second parameter of the DIM keyword indicates the maximum number of elements in the array.
The dimension of a varying-dimension array can be changed by assigning a value to the %ELEM built-in function.

DCL-S array_auto CHAR(10) DIM(*AUTO:100);
DCL-S array_var CHAR(10) DIM(*VAR:100);
%ELEM(array_auto) = 5;
%ELEM(array_var) = 5;
The dimension of a varying-dimension array defined with DIM(*AUTO) increases when there is an assignment statement to an element that is greater than the current number of elements. In the following example, array arr is defined with DIM(*AUTO:1000) ( 1 ). The current number of elements of the array is automatically increased when there is an assignment to a new element. The dimension of the array is zero before the assignment to arr(5). The dimension is 5 after the assignment( 2 ). Elements 1 to 4 are initialized with the value specified by the INZ keyword ('?'). Element 5 is set to the value specified by the assignment statement ('x').

DCL-s arr CHAR(10) DIM(*AUTO:1000) INZ('?'); //  1 

arr(5) = 'x'; //  2 
You can specify *NEXT as the index for an array defined with DIM(*AUTO) when the array is modified by an assignment statement. The dimension of the array increases by one. In the following example, array custArray is defined with DIM(*AUTO:1000) ( 1 ). The current number of elements of the array is automatically increased by one for each assignment to custArray(*NEXT). ( 2 ).

DCL-F custfile;
DCL-DS custDs LIKEREC(custRec);
DCL-S numCustElems INT(10);
DCL-DS custArray LIKEDS(custDs) DIM(*AUTO:1000); //  1 

READ file custDs;
   custArray(*next) = custDs; //  2 
   READ file custDs;
numCustElems = %ELEM(custArray);

See Varying-dimension arrays

Specify DIM(*CTDATA) to specify that the dimension of a compile-time array or table is determined by the number of records in the compile-time data.

See DIM({*AUTO:|*CTDATA|*VAR:}numeric_constant)

SAMEPOS keyword
The SAMEPOS keyword positions a subfield at the same starting position as another subfield.

See SAMEPOS(subfield)

This enhancement is also available in 7.3 with a PTF.

New PSDS subfields
The following new subfields are added to the Program Status Data Structure:
  • Internal job ID, in positions 380 to 395.
  • System name, in positions 396 - 403.

See Program Status Data Structure

This enhancement is also available in 7.3 with a PTF.

ON-EXIT section
The ON-EXIT section runs every time that a procedure ends, whether the procedure ends normally or abnormally.

In the following example, the procedure allocates heap storage. The code that follows the ON-EXIT operation is always run, so the heap storage is always deallocated. The ON-EXIT section is run whether the procedure ends suddenly due to an unhandled exception, or the procedure is canceled due to the job ending, or the procedure returns normally due to reaching the end of the main part of the procedure or due to reaching a RETURN operation.

dcl-proc myproc;
   p = %alloc(100);

   dealloc(n) p;

See ON-EXIT (On Exit)

This enhancement is also available in 7.2 and 7.3 with PTFs.

Nested data structure subfields
When a qualified data structure is defined using free-form syntax, a subfield can be directly defined as a nested data structure subfield. The street subfield in the following data structure is referred to as product.manufacturer.address.street.

   name VARCHAR(25);
   id CHAR(10);
   DCL-DS manufacturer;
      name VARCHAR(10);
      DCL-DS address;
         street VARCHAR(50);
         city VARCHAR(25);
      END-DS address;
      active IND;
   END-DS manufacturer;
   price PACKED(9 : 2);
END-DS product;
See Nested data structure subfield.

This enhancement is also available in 7.2 and 7.3 with PTFs.

New operation code DATA-INTO
DATA-INTO reads data from a structured document, such as JSON, into an RPG variable. It requires a parser to parse the document. The DATA-INTO operation calls the parser, and the parser passes the information in the document back to the DATA-INTO operation, which places the information into the RPG variable.

   name VARCHAR(25);
   id CHAR(10);
   price PACKED(9 : 2);
END-DS product;

DATA-INTO product %DATA('ProductInfo.JSON' : 'doc=file')
See DATA-INTO (Parse a Document into a Variable), %DATA (document {:options}), %PARSER (parser {: options}).

This enhancement is also available in 7.2 and 7.3 with PTFs.

Built-in function %PROC()
%PROC() returns the external name of the current procedure. See %PROC (Return Name of Current Procedure).

This enhancement is also available in 7.2 and 7.3 with PTFs.

More places that complex qualified names can be used
Complex qualified names are now allowed in the following places:

This enhancement is also available in 7.2 and 7.3 with PTFs.

New built-in functions %MAX and %MIN
%MAX returns the maximum value of its operands. %MIN returns the minimum value of its operands. There must be at least two operands, but there is no upper limit on the number of operands when %MAX or %MIN are used in calculations. When %MAX or %MIN are used in Declaration statements, there must be exactly two numeric operands.

In the following example, after the assignment operations, maxval has the value 'Zorro' and minval has the value 'Batman'.

   DCL-S maxval VARCHAR(10);
   DCL-S minval VARCHAR(10);
   DCL-S name1 VARCHAR(20) INZ('Robin');
   DCL-S name2 VARCHAR(10) INZ('Batman');

   maxval = %MAX(name1 : name2 : 'Zorro');
   minval = %MIN(name1 : name2 : 'Zorro');
See %MAX and %MIN (Maximum or Minimum Value).

This enhancement is also available in 7.2 and 7.3 with PTFs.

ALIGN(*FULL) to define the length of a data structure as a multiple of its alignment
When *FULL is specified for the ALIGN keyword, the length of the data structure is a multiple of the alignment size. Without *FULL, the length of the data structure is determined by highest end position of the subfields. Specify the *FULL parameter when defining an aligned data structure to be passed as a parameter to a function or API, or if you use %SIZE to determine the distance between the elements in an array of aligned data structures.

For example, the following two data structures have a float subfield followed by a character subfield with length 1. The alignment size for both data structures is 8. The size of data structure DS_ALIGN_FULL is 16, while the size of data structure DS_ALIGN is 9.

    sub1 FLOAT(8);
    sub2 CHAR(1);

    sub1 FLOAT(8);
    sub2 CHAR(1);

This enhancement is also available in 7.2 and 7.3 with PTFs.

New parameter TGTCCSID for CRTBNDRPG and CRTRPGMOD to support compiling from Unicode source
The ILE RPG compiler normally reads the source files for a compile in the CCSID of the primary source file. Since the compiler supports reading the source only in an EBCDIC CCSID, this means that the compile fails when the primary source file has a Unicode CCSID such as UTF-8 or UTF-16.

The TGTCCSID parameter for the CRTBNDRPG and CRTRPGMOD allows the RPG programmer to specify the CCSID with which the compiler reads the source files for the compile. Specify TGTCCSID(*JOB) or specify a specific EBCDIC CCSID such as TGTCCSID(37) or TGTCCSID(5035).

The default is TGTCCSID(*SRC).

This enhancement is also available in 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 with PTFs.

Table 1. Changed Language Elements Since 7.3: Built-in functions
Element Description
%ELEM A second parameter *ALLOC, *KEEP, or *MAX can be specified if the array is a varying-dimension array. See %ELEM (Get Number of Elements).
Table 2. Changed Language Elements Since 7.3: Definitions
Element Description
DIM keyword
DCL-DS operation code DCL-DS can be nested within a qualified data structure. See Nested data structure subfield.
ALIGN(*FULL) The ALIGN keyword can have parameter *FULL causing the length of a data structure to be a multiple of its alignment. See ALIGN{(*FULL)}.
Table 3. New Language Elements Since 7.3: Built-in functions
Element Description
%DATA Specifies the document to be parsed by the DATA-INTO operation code See %DATA (document {:options}).
%MAX Returns the maximum value of its operands See %MAX (Maximum Value).
%MIN Returns the minimum value of its operands See %MIN (Minimum Value).
%PARSER Specifies the parser for the DATA-INTO operation code See %PARSER (parser {: options}).
%PROC Returns the external name of the current procedure See %PROC (Return Name of Current Procedure).
Table 4. New Language Elements Since 7.3: Definition keywords
Element Description
SAMEPOS Positions a subfield at the same starting position as another subfield See SAMEPOS(subfield).
Table 5. New Language Elements Since 7.3: Operation codes
Element Description
DATA-INTO Import data from a structured document into an RPG variable. See DATA-INTO (Parse a Document into a Variable).
ON-EXIT Begins a section of code that runs when the procedure ends, either normally or abnormally See ON-EXIT (On Exit).