Examples of the countprefix option

The following definitions are used in the examples
D attendee_type...
D                 DS                  qualified template
D   name                        20a   varying
D   phone                        4s 0

D meeting         DS                  qualified
D   location                    20a   varying
D   attendee                          likeds(attendee_type)
D                                     dim(100)
D   numAttendee...
D                               10i 0

D email           DS                  qualified
D   to                          40a   varying
D   cc                          40a   varying
D   from                        40a   varying
D   countCc                      5i 0
D   subject                    100a   varying
D   countSubject                 5i 0
D   body                      1000a   varying

D order1          DS                  qualified
D   numpart                     10i 0
D   part                        20a   varying dim(100)

D order2          DS                  qualified
D   numpart                     10i 0
D   part                        20a   varying dim(100)
D   countpart                   10i 0
  1. Assume that file meeting123.xml contains the following:
       <location>Room 7a</location>
       <attendee name="Jim" phone="1234"/>
       <attendee name="Mary" phone="2345"/>
       <attendee name="Abel" phone="6213"/>
    1. The countprefix option specifies the num prefix.

      The XML-INTO operation sets countprefix subfield numAttendee to 3, the number of attendee subfields set by the operation. It is not necessary to specify option allowmissing=yes, because the presence of the countprefix subfield for array attendee implicitly allows missing XML data for that particular array.

       xml-into meeting %xml('meeting123.xml'
                        : 'doc=file countprefix=num');
       // meeting.attendee(1):  name='Jim'   phone=1234
       // meeting.attendee(2):  name='Mary'  phone=2345
       // meeting.attendee(3):  name='Abel'  phone=6213
       // meeting.numAttendee = 3 for i = 1 to meeting.numAttendee;
          if meeting.attendee(i) ...
    2. The countprefix subfield is not specified.

      The XML-INTO operation fails because there is insufficient XML data for array attendee, and there is no XML data at all for numAttendee.

       xml-into(e) meeting %xml('meeting123.xml'
                        : 'doc=file');
       // %error = *on
  2. Assume that file email456.txt contains the following:
    <email to="jack@anywhere.com" from="jill@anywhere.com">
       <subject>The hill</subject>
       <body>How are you feeling after your fall?</body>

    The countprefix=count option is specified, indicating that the prefix for the countprefix subfields is count.

    The XML-INTO operation is successful even though there is no XML data for the cc subfield, because the countprefix subfield countCc is available to receive the information that the cc subfield did not get set from the XML.

     xml-into email %xml('email456.xml'
                       : 'doc=file countprefix=count');
     // email.to = 'jack@anywhere.com'
     // email.from = 'jill@anywhere.com'
     // email.cc = ??  (not set by XML-INTO)
     // email.countCc = 0
     // email.subject = 'The hill'
     // email.countSubject = 1
     // email.body = 'How are you feeling after your fall?'
    The program uses the value of the countCc and countSubject subfields to determine whether the cc and subject subfields were set by the XML-INTO operation.
     if email.countCc = 1;
        cc = email.cc;
        cc = '';
     if email.countSubject = 1;
        subj = email.subject;
        subj = "NO SUBJECT";
  3. Assume that file File order789.txt contains the following:
    <order numpart="2">

    The XML document contains an attribute numpart that indicates how many part elements there are in the document.

    1. Option countprefix=num is specified, attempting to identify numpart as the countprefix subfield for array part.

      The XML-INTO operation fails. Subfield numpart is a countprefix subfield, so it cannot be explicitly set by the XML-INTO operation.

       xml-into(e) order1 %xml('order789.xml'
                   : 'doc=file countprefix=num path=order');
       // %error is set on
    2. Option countprefix=count is specified, identifying countpart as the countprefix subfield for array part.

      The XML-INTO operation succeeds. Subfield numpart is set to 2 from the XML document, and subfield countpart is set to 2 by the countprefix processing. The part array is counted by the countprefix option, so it is not an error that there is insufficient XML data to set the entire array.

       xml-into order2 %xml('order789.xml'
                : 'doc=file countprefix=count path=order');
       // order2.numpart = 2
       // order2.part(1) = 'hammer'
       // order2.part(2) = 'saw'
       // order2.countpart = 2
  4. In the following example, meeting.numAttendee is set to 27, and option "countprefix=num" is specified for the DATA-GEN operation. Only 27 elements will be generated for meeting.attendee, since meeting.numAttendee is its countprefix subfield.
    meeting.numAttendee = 27;
    DATA-GEN meeting %DATA('output.txt' : 'doc=file countprefix=num') %GEN('MYGENPGM');
  5. In the following example, email.countcc is set to zero, and option "countprefix=count" is specified for the DATA-GEN operation. Subfield email.cc will not be generated, since its countprefix subfield email.countcc is zero.
    email.cc = 0;
    DATA-GEN email %DATA('output.txt' : 'doc=file countprefix=count') %GEN('MYGENPGM');