Tasks to restoring the operating system

You are ready to begin these steps when you have completed an initial program load (IPL). Either you have just restored the Licensed Internal Code or you have just performed a manual IPL from your alternate IPL device.

Note: If you use Operations Console, perform the following steps to reset your Operations Console:
  1. On the IPL or Install the System display, select option 3 (Use dedicated service tools (DST)). Press Enter to continue.
  2. Sign on to DST using a service tools user profile that has security officer authority and the assigned password.
  3. On the Use DST display, select option 5 (Work with DST environment). Press Enter to continue.
  4. On the Work with DST Environment display, select option 2 (System Devices). Press Enter to continue.
  5. On the Work with System Devices display, select option 6 (Console Mode). Press Enter to continue.
  6. On the Select Console Type display, select option 2 (Operations Console (Direct)), or select option 3 (Operations Console (LAN)). Press Enter to continue.
    On the Select Console Type display, select option 2 (Operations Console (Direct)), or select option 3 (Operations Console (LAN)). Press Enter to continue.
    Note: If you replace the load source disk unit you might need to use the console service functions (65+21) to specify your console type, so that you can perform the restore operations.
  7. Press F3 or F12 to get back to the IPL or Install the System display screen.

The IPL or Install the System display will appear.

                          IPL or Install the System

   Select one of the following:  
            1. Perform an IPL
            2. Install the operating system
            3. Use DST
            4. Perform automatic installation of the operating system
            5. Save Licensed Internal Code