Considerations when moving system customization information

Some system customization information that is stored in the QSYS library cannot be saved.

This information includes network attributes, system values, the system reply list, and configuration information. You must manually re-create this information on your new or upgraded system. In addition, you will not be able to recover your problem log and your question and answer database. Use the procedure that is described in the Printing system information topic to print your current values.

When performing a disaster recovery or migrating to a new system, you need to maintain the authority of customized output queues, if they are on the system. When a printer device is created, an output queue by the same name as the device is also created. For example, a user might create a remote output queue and then create a virtual printer device to point to that output queue. If an output queue object being restored already exists on the system, the output queue object is overwritten by the object on the tape if no differences exist between the two versions. To ensure that the output queue object is restored from tape, specify ALWOBJDIF(*COMPATIBLE) on the Restore Library (RSTLIB) command to ensure that object differences, such as ownership, do not prevent the output queue from tape being restored over the output queue on the system.