Inactive Job Time-Out Message Queue (QINACTMSGQ)

The Inactive Job Time-Out Message Queue (QINACTMSGQ) system value specifies what action the system takes when the inactive job time-out interval for a job has been reached.

Note: This system value is a restricted value. See Security system values for details on how to restrict changes to security system values and a complete list of the restricted system values.
Table 1. Possible values for QINACTMSGQ system value:
Value Description
*ENDJOB Inactive jobs are ended. If the inactive job is a group job,1 all jobs associated with the group are also ended. If the job is part of a secondary job,1 both jobs are ended. The action taken by *ENDJOB is equal to running the command ENDJOB JOB(name) OPTION (*IMMED) ADLINTJOBS(*ALL) against the inactive job.
*DSCJOB The inactive job is disconnected, as are any secondary or group jobs1 associated with it. The disconnected job time-out interval (QDSCJOBITV) system value controls whether the system eventually ends disconnected jobs. See Disconnected Job Time-Out Interval (QDSCJOBITV) for more information.

Attention: The system cannot disconnect some jobs, such as PC Organizer and PC text-assist function (PCTA). If the system cannot disconnect an inactive job, it ends the job instead.

message-queue-name Message CPI1126 is sent to the specified message queue when the inactive job time-out interval is reached. This message states: Job &3/&2/&1; has not been active.

The message queue must exist before it can be specified for the QINACTMSGQ system value. This message queue is automatically cleared during an IPL. If you assign QINACTMSGQ as the user's message queue, all messages in the user's message queue are lost during each IPL.

The Work management topic describes group jobs and secondary jobs.

Recommended value: *DSCJOB is recommended unless your users run IBM® i Access jobs. Using *DSCJOB when some IBM i Access jobs are running is the equivalent of ending the jobs. It can cause significant loss of information. Use the message-queue option if you have the IBM i Access licensed program. The CL Programming topic shows an example of writing a program to handle messages.

Using a message queue: A user or a program can monitor the message queue and take action as needed, such as ending the job or sending a warning message to the user. Using a message queue allows you to make decisions about particular devices and user profiles, rather than treating all inactive devices in the same way. This method is recommended when you use the IBM i Access licensed program.

If a workstation with two secondary jobs is inactive, two messages are sent to the message queue (one for each secondary job). A user or program can use the End Job (ENDJOB) command to end one or both secondary jobs. If an inactive job has one or more group jobs, a single message is sent to the message queue. Messages continue to be sent to the message queue for each interval that the job is inactive.