Password system values: Minimum time between password changes

The Minimum time between password changes system value is also known as QPWDCHGBLK. You can use this system value to specify the time period during which changes to a password are blocked after the last successful password change operation.

Quick reference
Location From IBM® Navigator for i, select Configuration and Service > System Values. Click on Password and click Properties, then select theGeneral tab.
Special authority All object (*ALLOBJ) and security administrator (*SECADM).
Default value None.
Changes take effect Immediately.
Lockable Yes.
Lockable system value
(See Lock function of security-related system values for details.)
Special considerations This system value does not restrict password changes that are made by the Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) command.

What can I do with this system value?

You can specify the minimum time between changes to a password.

This system value has the following options:

None (*NONE)
There is no restriction on how frequently a user can change a password.
1-99 hours (1-99)
The number of hours a user must wait after the last successful password change operation before the user can change the password again.
Note: This system value is not valid on systems running IBM i V5R4, or earlier.