Planning considerations for your Operations Console installation or upgrade

To plan for your Operations Console installation or upgrade, you need to know this information.

Prerequisite information for Operations Console users upgrading to or installing i 7.2

When you receive the IBM® i release upgrade, all of the user IDs included with the operating system are expired, except for 11111111 (eight 1's). For all upgrades and installations, you need to establish a connection between the IBM i platform and Operations Console using the service tools user ID of 11111111. This prevents any failed re-authentication of the client connection to the system caused by expired user IDs. This is especially important for automated installations and upgrades.

Note: Failure to comply with the above actions may prevent the console from working correctly during the upgrade or installation.
Important: During a manual IPL of the system and if no console has been specified before, you receive two additional displays to confirm the setting of the console type. The first requires that you accept your current console type, and the second shows that a value did not previously exist (a zero is present for the old value) and the new value is shown. Press Enter to exit and set the console type automatically. The IPL then continues to the IPL or Install the System display. This condition is most likely to occur during the installation of a new partition, but it can happen on your first manual IPL, for example, during the A-mode IPL following the restore of Licensed Internal Code, or during the upgrade or installation when a console value of zero is found.

Migration to Operations Console before your system upgrade

When migrating a former load source device that was used with Operations Console local console on a network configuration, and this load source device is to become a load source device in a new partition, the LAN adapter must be deallocated before removing the device from the old partition and installing it in the new partition.

If the result of your system upgrade includes a Hardware Management Console (HMC), make sure to use this as the system console until your upgrade is complete. Because some upgrades are staged, your intended console might lack the necessary resources for a period of time. Because the HMC uses virtual resources, you will not have problems with a lack of resources for another console type.