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The JOURNAL_INHERIT_RULES view returns the journal inherit rules for libraries.

The rules define which objects created in a library, moved into a library, or restored into a library should inherit the journal state of the library and the inherited journal attributes.

Each rule defines object types, object names, and operations that the rule applies to. Multiple rules can be defined for the same set of objects. If multiple rules are defined for the same object and operation, the last rule defined for that object will be applied.

This information is similar to the journal inherit rules returned by the Retrieve Library Description (QLIRLIBD) API.

Authorization: The caller must have *READ authority to the library.

The following table describes the columns in the view. The system name is LIB_JRN. The schema is QSYS2.

Column Name System Column Name Data Type Description
LIBRARY_NAME LIBRARY VARCHAR(10) The name of the library for this rule.
JOURNALED JOURNALED VARCHAR(3) The current journaling status of the library. Rules are only in effect when the library is journaled.
The library is not currently journaled.
The library is currently journaled.
IASP_NUMBER IASPNUMBER INTEGER The number of the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) from which the system allocates storage for the library.
IASP_NAME IASP_NAME VARCHAR(10) The device description name of the independent auxiliary storage pool (IASP).

The special value of *SYSBAS indicates SYSBASE, which includes the system ASP (ASP 1) and the basic user ASPs (ASPs 2-32).

ORDINAL_POSITION ORDINAL INTEGER The order this rule was added for this library. The number starts at one for each library and increments by one for every additional rule for that library. If more than one rule is defined for any object, the one with the higher number will be used.
OBJECT_TYPE TYPE VARCHAR(7) Specifies the object type of the objects that are identified by this rule.
This rule applies to all object types that can be journaled.
This rule applies to data areas.
This rule applies to data queues.
This rule applies to database physical files.
OPERATION OPERATION VARCHAR(10) The operations performed on the object type for which journaling is to be started if other criteria specified for the object type are also satisfied.
Journaling is started for all objects created in, moved into, or restored into the library. This is a combination of the values *CREATE, *MOVE, and *RESTORE.
Journaling is started for all objects created in the library.
Journaling is started for all objects moved into the library if they are not already journaled.
If an object is restored over a currently existing object, the restored object will retain the same journal options and journal state of the object it was restored over. If an object was never journaled when it was saved, journaling is started for the object when it is restored into the library. If an object was journaled when it was saved, it will first attempt to start journaling to the journal it was journaled to when it was saved, with the same journal options it had when it was saved. If that journal does not exist, the object will start journaling to the same journal the library is journaled to, with the journal options defined by this rule.
If an object is restored over a currently existing object, the restored object will retain the same journal options and journal state of the object it was restored over. Otherwise, journaling is started for all objects restored into the library, regardless of the journal options and journal state of the object when it was saved.
RULE_ACTION ACTION VARCHAR(8) Indicates whether the objects that match the object type and operation in this rule will be included or omitted from the list of objects that inherit the journal options and journal state of the library.
All objects that match the object type and operation of this rule will inherit the journal options and journal state of the library.
All objects that match the object type and operation of this rule will not inherit any journaling attributes or state from the library. This overrides a *INCLUDE rule and therefore can be used to omit a subset of a previously defined *INCLUDE rule.
The object names of the objects that are identified by this rule.
This rule applies to all objects that match the other criteria and match the specified name.
This rule applies to all objects that match the other criteria and match the specified generic name.

A generic name is specified as a string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*). If a generic name is specified, then all objects that have names with the same prefix as the generic object name are selected.

This rule applies to all objects that match the other criteria.
The kinds of journal images that are written to the journal receiver for changes to objects that inherit the journal options and journal state from the library.
Only after images are journaled for an object for which journaling is started because it inherits the journaling attributes from the library.
Both before and after images are journaled for an object for which journaling is started because it inherits the journal option from the library. This value is only valid for data area (*DTAARA) and database file (*FILE) objects. If this value is specified and *ALL is specified for object type, the system will generate both before and after images for data areas and database files and the system will only generate after images for all other object types.
The default value for each object type will be used for this journal option when an object inherits the journaling attributes from the library. Database files (*FILE) will have both before and after images generated by the system. All other object types will have only after images generated by the system.

Contains the null value if RULE_ACTION is *OMIT.

The journal entries that are not to be written for changes to objects that inherit the journaling options and state of the library.
No journal entries will be omitted for objects that inherit the journal options and journal state from the library.
The default value for each object type will be used for this journal option when an object inherits the journal options and journal state from the library. Open and close entries will be omitted for database files (*FILE). No other object types will omit journal entries.
Open and close entries are omitted for database file (*FILE) objects that inherit the journal options and journal state from the library.

This prevents the use of TOJOBO and TOJOBC entries on the Apply Journaled Changes (APYJRNCHG) and Remove Journaled Changes (RMVJRNCHG) commands, but it saves some storage space in the journal receivers.

This value is only valid for object type *FILE. If this value is specified and *ALL is specified for object type, database files will omit the entries. All other object types will not omit any journal entries.

Contains the null value if RULE_ACTION is *OMIT.

Specifies whether the journal entries written for the objects that inherit the journal state of the library should be eligible for remote journal filtering by object.
Journal entries deposited for the objects that inherit the journal state of the library will not be eligible for remote journal filtering by object.
The default value for each object type will be used for this journaling attribute when an object inherits the journal state of the library. For all object types, journal entries deposited for the objects that inherit the journal state of the library will not be eligible for remote journal filtering by object.
Journal entries deposited for the objects that inherit the journal state of the library will be eligible for remote journal filtering by object. When using remote journal filtering by object, most journal entries for the object will not be sent to the target system.


  • Retrieve the journal inherit rules for library APPLIB.
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