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The SEND_DATA_QUEUE, SEND_DATA_QUEUE_BINARY, and SEND_DATA_QUEUE_UTF8 procedures send a message to the specified data queue. The message data can be sent as character, UTF-8, or binary data.

This procedure provides function similar to the Send Data Queue (QSNDDTAQ) API.

Authorization: The caller must have:
  • *EXECUTE authority to the library containing the data queue, and
  • *OBJOPR and *ADD authority to the data queue.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSEND_DATA_QUEUESEND_DATA_QUEUE_BINARYSEND_DATA_QUEUE_UTF8( MESSAGE_DATA => message-data,DATA_QUEUE => data-queue,DATA_QUEUE_LIBRARY => data-queue-library,KEY_DATA => key-data,ASYNCHRONOUS => asynchronous )

The schema is QSYS2.

The data to send to the message queue. The string can be up to 64512 characters long.
  • For SEND_DATA_QUEUE, the input value will be converted to a character string with the job CCSID.
  • For SEND_DATA_QUEUE_BINARY, the input value will be converted to a binary string.
  • For SEND_DATA_QUEUE_UTF8, the input value will be converted to a UTF-8 string.
A character or graphic string containing the name of the data queue.
A character or graphic string containing the name of the library containing the data queue. Can be one of the following special values:
The job's current library is used.
The library list is used. This is the default.
A character string containing the key data to send to the data queue. This parameter is required for a keyed data queue. It must not be specified for a non-keyed data queue.
The length of the key must match the length specified on the KEYLEN parameter on the Create Data Queue (CRTDTAQ) command.
Indicates whether the send request to a DDM data queue should be processed asynchronously. Valid values are:
The request should not be processed asynchronously. This is the default.
The request should be processed asynchronously. This can only be specified for a DDM data queue.
If an error occurs during an asynchronous operation, the error will not be detected until the next time the data queue is accessed synchronously.


Send a message to data queue DQ1 in TESTLIB with key 456.

CALL QSYS2.SEND_DATA_QUEUE(MESSAGE_DATA => 'This is the message data',
                                    DATA_QUEUE => 'DQ1', 
                                    DATA_QUEUE_LIBRARY => 'TESTLIB', 
                                    KEY_DATA => '456');  
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