Collection Services data files: QAPMJOBSR

This file contains data for jobs that have performed save or restore operations.

There will be one record per job for each operation type it has performed (see field JSTYPE).

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DATETIME Interval date and time: The date and time of the sample interval for a job interval entry or the job end date and time for a job completion entry, expressed in local system time. Timestamp
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. The number of seconds since the last sample interval. PD (7, 0)
JSTDE System task identifier. C (8)
JSTYPE Record/operation type. This field identifies the type of data contained within the record. Record types are based on the save/restore operation performed:
  • '1' - IFS save
  • '2' - IFS restore
  • '3' - Library save
  • '4' - Library restore
C (1)
JSOPSSTR Operations started. The number of save or restore operations started. B (9, 0)
JSGRPSTR Groups started. The number of groups of objects started. B (9, 0)
JSGPREPRC Groups preprocessed. The number of groups of objects that have completed preprocessing. B (9, 0)
JSGCHKRDY Groups checkpoint ready. The number of groups of objects ready for checkpoint processing. (This metric is supported only for IFS save operations). B (9, 0)
JSGCHKISSU Groups checkpoint issued. The number of groups of objects that have started checkpoint processing. (This metric is supported only for save operations). B (9, 0)
JSGCHKCMP Groups checkpoint complete. The number of groups of objects that have completed checkpoint processing. (This metric is supported only for save operations). B (9, 0)
JSGIOISSU Groups I/O issued. The number of groups of objects that have started I/O processing. B (9, 0)
JSGIOCMP Groups I/O complete. The number of groups of objects that have completed I/O processing. (This metric is not supported for IFS save operations). B (9, 0)
JSGRLSRDY Groups release ready. The number of groups of objects ready to be released. (This metric is supported only for IFS operations). B (9, 0)
JSGOUTRDY Groups output ready. The number of groups of objects ready for output processing. (This metric is supported only for IFS operations). B (9, 0)
JSGRPCMP Groups complete. The number of groups of objects completed. B (9, 0)
JSCNTSTR Container starts. The number of containers (libraries or directories) started. B (9, 0)
JSCNTEND Container ends. The number of containers (libraries or directories) completed. B (9, 0)
JSIORQST I/O requests. The number of I/O requests started. B (9, 0)
JSIORESP I/O responses. The number of I/O requests completed. B (9, 0)
JSLDRQST Internal object requests. The number of internal objects that have started I/O processing. B (9, 0)
JSLDRESP Internal object responses. The number of internal objects that have completed I/O processing. B (9, 0)
JSCHKRQST Checkpoint requests. The number of checkpoint requests started. (This metric is supported only for save operations). B (9, 0)
JSCHKRESP Checkpoint responses. The number of checkpoint requests completed. (This metric is supported only for save operations). B (9, 0)
JSOPSCMP Operations completed. The number of save or restore operations completed successfully. B (9, 0)
JSOPSTRM Operations terminated. The number of save or restore operations that ended unsuccessfully. B (9, 0)
JSOBJSUCC Successful object count. The number of objects successfully saved or restored. B (9, 0)
JSOBJFAIL Unsuccessful object count. The number of objects not successfully saved or restored. B (9, 0)
UTCTIME UTC interval date and time: The date and time of the sample interval for a job interval entry or the job end date and time for a job completion entry, expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Timestamp