Authority Options for SQL Analysis and Tuning

This topic describes some authority options for SQL analysis and tuning.

Db2® for i has a rich set of commands, stored procedures, APIs, and tools for analysis and tuning of the performance aspects of database applications.

These tools are available to users with *JOBCTL special authority. In addition, there are function usage identifiers that provide an alternative authorization mechanism. These function usage identifiers are:

  1. QIBM_DB_SQLADM (Database Administrator tasks)
  2. QIBM_DB_SYSMON (Database Information tasks)

The Database Administrator (QIBM_DB_SQLADM) function usage ID allows analysis and viewing of SQL performance data. Some of the more common functions are displaying statements from the SQL Plan Cache, analyzing SQL Performance Monitors and SQL Plan Cache Snapshots, and displaying the SQL details of a job other than your own.

The Database Information (QIBM_DB_SYSMON) function usage ID allows the examination of high-level database properties. For example, a user without *JOBCTL special authority or authorization to the QIBM_DB_SQLADM function usage ID can view the SQL Plan Cache properties when authorized to the QIBM_DB_SYSMON function usage ID.

The following table describes some of the authorization rules related to SQL analysis and tuning.

Table 1. Authorization requirements for database performance and analysis actions
SET CURRENT DEGREE (SQL statement) Allowed Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
CHGQRYA command targeting a different user's job Allowed Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
STRDBMON or ENDDBMON commands targeting a different user's job Allowed Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
STRDBMON or ENDDBMON commands targeting a job that matches the current user Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed
QUSRJOBI() API format 900 Allowed Allowed Allowed Not allowed
Visual Explain within Run SQL Scripts Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed
Visual Explain outside of Run SQL Scripts Allowed Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
DUMP_PLAN_CACHE procedure Allowed Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
DUMP_PLAN_CACHE_TOPN procedure Allowed Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
PROPERTIES procedure
Allowed Allowed Allowed Not allowed
CHANGE_PLAN_CACHE_SIZE procedure Allowed Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
MONITOR procedure
Allowed Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
MONITOR procedure
Allowed Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
MONITORS procedure
Allowed Allowed Not allowed Not allowed