Using the system reply list

By using the system reply list, you can specify that the system automatically issues the reply to specified predefined inquiry messages.

Only inquiry messages can be automatically responded to with the system reply list.

The system reply list contains message identifiers, optional compare data that must match the message data in the inquiry message, a reply value for each message, and a dump attribute that effectively does DSPJOB OUTPUT(*PRINT). The system reply list applies only to predefined inquiry messages that are sent by a job that uses the system reply list. You specify that a job is to use the system reply list for inquiry messages on the INQMSGRPY(*SYSRPYL) parameter on the following commands:

  • Batch Job (BCHJOB)
  • Submit Job (SBMJOB)
  • Change Job (CHGJOB)
  • Create Job Description (CRTJOBD)
  • Change Job Description (CHGJOBD)

When a predefined inquiry message is sent by a job that uses the system reply list, the system searches the reply list in ascending sequence number order for an entry that matches the message identifier and, optionally, the compare data of the inquiry message. If an entry is found, the reply specified is issued and the user is not required to enter a reply. If an entry is not found, the message is sent to the display station user for interactive jobs or system operator for batch jobs.

The system reply list is shipped with the system with the following initial entries defined.

Sequence number Message identifier Compare value Reply Dump
10 CPA0700 *NONE D *YES
20 RPG0000 *NONE D *YES
30 CBE0000 *NONE D *YES
40 PLI0000 *NONE D *YES

These entries indicate that a reply of D is to be sent and a job dump is to be taken if the message CPA0700-CPA0799, RPG0000-RPG9999, CBE0000-CBE9999, or PLI0000-PLI9999 (which indicate a program failure) is sent by a job using the system reply list. For the system to use these entries, you must specify that the jobs are to use the system reply list by setting the inquiry message reply job attribute to *SYSRPYL.

To add other inquiry messages to the system reply list, use the Add Reply List Entry (ADDRPYLE) command. On this command you can specify the sequence number, the message identifier, optional compare data, compare data CCSID, reply action, and the dump attribute. The ADDRPYLE command function can be easily accessed by using the Work with System Reply List Entries (WRKRPYLE) command.

The following reply actions can be specified for the inquiry messages that are placed on the system reply list (the parameter value is given in parentheses):

  • Send the default reply for the inquiry messages (*DFT). In this case, the default reply for the message is sent. If the message ID does not identify a default reply value the *N is sent as the reply.The message is not displayed, and no default handling program is called.
  • Require the workstation user or system operator to respond to the message (*RQD). If the message queue to which the message is sent (workstation message queue for interactive jobs and QSYSOPR for batch jobs) is in break mode, the message is displayed, and the workstation user must respond to the message. This option operates as if the system reply list were not being used.
  • Send the reply specified in the system reply list entry (message reply, 32 characters maximum). In this case, the specified reply is sent as the response to the message. The message is not displayed, and no default handling program is called.

The following commands add entries to the system reply list for messages RPG1241, RPG1200, CPA4002, CPA5316, and any other inquiry messages:


The system reply list now appears as follows.

Sequence number Message identifier Compare value (b is a blank) Compare start position Reply Dump
10 CPA0700   1 D *YES
15 RPG1241   1 C *NO
18 RPG1200   1 *DFT *YES
20 RPG0000   1 D *YES
22 CPA4002 'QSYSPRT' 1 *RQD *NO
25 CPA4002   1 G *NO
27 CPA5316 'QSYSPRT' 21 I *NO
30 CBE0000   1 D *YES
40 PLI0000   1 D *YES
9999 *ANY   1 *DFT *NO

For a job that uses this system reply list, the following occurs when the messages that were added to the reply list are sent by the job:

  • For sequence number 15, whenever an RPG1241 message is sent by a job that uses the system reply list, a reply of C is sent and the job is not dumped.
  • For sequence number 18, a generic message identifier is used so whenever an RPG1200 inquiry message is sent by the job, the default reply is sent. The default reply can be the default reply specified in the message description or the system default reply. Before the default reply is sent, the job is dumped. The previous entry (sequence number 15) that was added overrides this entry for message RPG1241, so RPG1241 takes the action for sequence number 15, not 18.
  • For sequence number 22, if the inquiry message CPA4002 is sent with the compare data of QSYSPRT, the message is sent to the display station user, and the user must issue the reply.

    When a compare value is specified without a start position, the compare value is compared to the message data beginning in position 1 of the substitution data in the message.

    Sequence number 22 tests for a printer device name of QSYSPRT. For an example of testing one substitution variable with a different start position, see sequence number 27.

  • For sequence number 25, if the inquiry message CPA4002 (verify alignment on printer &1) is sent with the compare not equal to QSYSPRT, a reply of G is sent. The job is not dumped. Sequence number 22 requires an operator response to the forms alignment message if the printer device is QSYSPRT. Sequence number 25 defines that if the forms alignment inquiry message occurs for any other device, to assume a default response of G=Go.
  • For sequence number 27, if the inquiry message CPA5316 is sent with the compare data of TESTEDFILETSTLIBRARYQSYSPRT, a reply of I is sent.

    When a compare value and a start position are specified, the compare value is compared with the message data of the inquiry message beginning with the start position. In this case, position 21 is the beginning of the third substitution variable. For message CPA5316, the first four substitution variables are as follows.

    Substitution variables order Substitution variables Type Size
    &1 ODP file name *CHAR 10
    &2 ODP library name *CHAR 10
    &3 ODP device name *CHAR 10
    &4 Line number for first line *BIN 2

    Therefore, sequence number 27 tests for an ODP device name of QSYSPRT before sending a reply.

  • For sequence number 9999, the message identifier of *ANY applies to any predefined inquiry message that is not matched by an entry with a lower sequence number, and the default reply for these inquiry messages is sent. If this entry were not included in the system reply list, the display station user would have to respond to all predefined inquiry messages that were not included in the system reply list.

When the compare value contains *CCHAR data, the message data that is from the sending function is converted to the CCSID of the message data that is stored in the system reply list before the compare is made. The system converts data that is of type *CCHAR only.

The following restrictions apply when using *CCHAR data as compare data:
  • You cannot mix *CCHAR data with other data when adding this type of reply list entry.
  • You cannot include the length of the *CCHAR data in the compare data.

If you mix *CCHAR data or include the length of the *CCHAR data, unpredictable results may occur.

An entry remains on the system reply list until you use the Remove Reply List Entry (RMVRPYLE) command to remove it. You can use the Change Reply List Entry (CHGRPYLE) command to change the attributes of a reply list entry, and you can use the Work with System Reply List Entry (WRKRPYLE) command to display the reply entries currently in the reply list.

The job log receives a completion message indicating a successful change when the system reply list is updated using ADDRPYLE, CHGRPYLE, or RMVRPYLE. The history log QHST also receives a completion message to record the change.

If messages are added to the system reply list, it is helpful to have a CL program created to add the entries. For example, if the reply list is damaged and gets cleared after an IPL, the CL program can be called to re-add the entries, rather than having users re-add entries manually.

If a program has not been created to update system reply list entries, there are some alternatives to re-establish the system reply list after it has been lost:
  • After changes have been made to the system replay list, use the Retrieve System Information (RTVSYSINF) command to save data to a library. Note that this also saves other system information in addition to the system reply list. Then later, when the system reply list needs to be updated, the Update System Information (UPDSYSINF) command can be used. The UPDSYSINF command uses the data that was saved with the RTVSYSINF command.
  • Another alternative is to restore the system reply list from a backup. This assumes that a save operation of the system has been done and all the necessary entries were added to the system reply list before the save operation. A slip installation of the base operating system needs to be done with the following steps:
    1. With the key in MANUAL mode, do an IPL.
    2. On the DST IPL/install screen, select option 2 to install.
    3. On the Install Operating System screen (that is the time/date screen), select option 2 to change install options.
    4. On the Specify Install Options screen, select option 1 to restore program and language options from media.
    5. On the Specify Restore Options screen, select option 1 to restore for MESSAGE REPLY LIST. It is about the third item on the screen.
      Note: Usually, the default value of this screen is 2 or 3 to indicate not to restore the item.
    6. Continue the installation and the command entry display should be shown.
    7. Take the key out of manual mode.