Delete Performance Collection (DLTPFRCOL)

The Delete Performance Collection (DLTPFRCOL) command allows the user to delete performance collections from a library.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
COL Collection Single values: *SELECT
Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Name
Optional, Positional 1
LIB Library Name, QPFRDATA Optional
COLTYPE Collection type Single values: *ALL
Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Character value, *CSFILE, *CSMGTCOL, *DWFILE, *JWFILE, *PEXFILE, *PEXMGTCOL

Collection (COL)

Specifies the performance collection to be deleted.

Single values

Lists all collections available in the specified library that match the indicated collection type in the Collection type (COLTYPE) parameter so you can select performance collections to delete.

Note: This value is valid only in an interactive environment.

Other values (up to 50 repetitions)

Specify the name of the performance collection to be deleted.

Library (LIB)

Specifies the library where the performance collections are located.

The performance collections are located in the IBM-supplied performance library, QPFRDATA.
Specify the name of the library where the performance collections are located.

Collection type (COLTYPE)

Specifies the type of collection to be deleted.

Single values

All types of performance collections with the same name as the one located in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be deleted. This includes file-based collections and object-based collections.

Other values (up to 10 repetitions)

Only the Collection Services file-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be deleted.
Only the Collection Services object-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be deleted.
Only the Disk Watcher file-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be deleted.
Only the Job Watcher file-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be deleted.
Only the Performance Explorer file-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be deleted.
Only the Performance Explorer object-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be deleted.
Only the Batch Model file-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be deleted.
Only the Historical file-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be deleted.
Specify the type of collections to be deleted.

Valid values depend on the performance collections supported by the system. You can press F4 while prompting this command parameter to see a list of valid collection type values.



This command deletes performance collection TEST1 from the performance library QPFRDATA. This command runs interactively while the user waits.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Not authorized to delete performance collection.
Performance collection &2 does not exist.
No performance collections deleted from library &1.