Start the OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2 for i

You can start the OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2® for i by calling SYSPROC.SYSTS_START.

OMNIFIND starts the text search server automatically as needed, as long as the SERVERSTATUS in QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS is 0. This policy allows the text search server to start automatically when the host system starts. However, you can start the server manually if necessary.

To start the server:


If successful, the SERVERSTATUS in QSYS2.SYSTEXTSERVERS is set to 0 after you call the procedure. When the server is local, the following jobs are active in the background:
  • QJVAEXEC QDBTS BCI 0.0 PGM-textExtrac
  • QJVAEXEC QDBTS BCI 0.0 PGM-textExtrac
  • QJVAEXEC QDBTS BCI 0.0 PGM-textExtrac
  • QJVAEXEC QDBTS BCI 0.0 PGM-textExtrac
where QDBTS is the OmniFind user profile created while installing product.

It might take a few minutes before all these jobs are active and the text server can be used.