Roles of the user profile

A user profile contain a user's passwords, the list of special authorities assigned to a user, and the objects the user owns.

A user profile has several roles on the system:

  • It contains security-related information that controls how the user signs on the system, what the user is allowed to do after signing on, and how the user’s actions are audited.
  • It contains information that is designed to customize the system and adapt it to the user.
  • It is a management and recovery tool for the operating system. The user profile contains information about the objects owned by the user and all the private authorities to objects.
  • The user profile name identifies the user’s jobs and printer output.

If the security level (QSECURITY) system value on your system is 10, the system automatically creates a user profile when someone signs on with a user ID that does not already exist on the system. Default values for user profiles in IBM-supplied user profiles shows the values assigned when the system creates a user profile.

If the QSECURITY system value on your system is 20 or higher, a user profile must exist before a user can sign on.