Deleting user profiles

You cannot delete a user profile that owns objects. Before you can delete such user profiles, you must delete any objects owned by the profile or transfer ownership of those objects to another profile.

You cannot delete a user profile if it is the primary group for any objects. When you use the intermediate assistance level to delete a user profile, you can change or remove the primary group for objects. You can use the WRKOBJPGP command to list any objects for which a profile is the primary group.

When you delete a user profile, the user is removed from all distribution lists and from the system directory.

You do not need to change ownership of or delete the user’s message queue. The system automatically deletes the message queue when the profile is deleted.

You cannot delete a group profile that has members. To list the members of a group profile, type DSPUSRPRF group-profile-name *GRPMBR. Change the GRPPRF or SUPGRPPRF field in each member profile before deleting the group profile.