A QPRTJOB job is a job that spooled files are associated with when the current job's user name is not the same as the user profile currently running.

System jobs can change to run under a user's profile in order for a user to obtain ownership of the spooled file instead of the system job. For example, if you send a spooled file using the Send Network Spooled File (SNDNETSPLF) command to user TINA on a different system, the file is spooled for job 999999/TINA/QPRTJOB. Spooling the file for this user's job instead of the system job makes sure that user TINA owns the spooled file. Then, when she runs the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command, the spooled file sent to her is shown.
Note: Use the SPLFOWN parameter to specify who owns the spooled file.

QPRTJOB jobs are created automatically by the system. There can be more than one QPRTJOB per user on a system. A QPRTJOB has a default value of 9999 spooled files. That number can be expanded to the maximum of 999,999 by changing the number in the Maximum printer output files (QMAXSPLF) system value. For more information about the Maximum printer output files (QMAXSPLF) system value, see the Work Management topic. When a user's QPRTJOB gets full, the system automatically creates a new one for the user. A separate QPRTJOB is created for each user that receives spooled files sent by the SNDNETSPLF command. If you use the SNDNETSPLF command to send users TINA and KEVIN spooled files, there would be jobs named 999999/KEVIN/QPRTJOB and 999999/TINA/QPRTJOB on the receiving system.

QPRTJOB jobs are created and used by a variety of system functions. For example:

  • Using the Send TCP/IP Spooled File (SNDTCPSPLF) or SNDNETSPLF commands to send a spooled file to another user on a different IBM® i platform.
  • Sending a spooled file from VM or MVS™ through a VM/MVS bridge to a IBM i platform.
  • Receiving a spooled file using TCP/IP or the line printer daemon (LPD) process.
  • Using the Create Spooled File (QSPCRTSP) Spool API to create a spooled file for another user.
  • Using the Set Profile (QWTSETP) Security API to set the user profile to a different user and then create a new spooled file.

    Other applications that are running can use the QSPCRTSP and QWTSETP APIs resulting in additional QPRTJOB jobs on the system.

  • Using the UNIX SETGID API to create a spooled file for a different, current, or group user profile when SPLFOWN is set to *CURGRPPRF.
  • Using the UNIX SETUID API to set the user profile to a different user and then create a new spooled file for that user.

QPRTJOB jobs continue to be reused until they have been inactive more than 24 hours. Inactive means all spooled files for the job have been deleted and no new ones have been received for that user in more than 24 hours. The recovery is done by the system job QSPLMAINT.