Job description

The job description allows you to create a set of job attributes that are saved and available for multiple uses. The job description can be used as the source for some of the job attributes that tell the system how to run a job. The attributes tell the system when to start the job, where to get the job from, and how the job will run. You can think of a job description as a template that many jobs can use, thereby reducing the number of specific parameters that you need to set for each individual job.

Job descriptions are used by autostart, batch, interactive, and prestart job types. You can use the same job description for multiple jobs. When you define a job, you can use the job description in one of two ways:

  • Use a specified job description without overriding any of its attributes. For example:
  • Use a specified job description but override some of the attributes (using BCHJOB or SBMJOB command). For example, to override the message logging in the job description QBATCH, specify:
           LOG(2 20 *SECLVL)
    Note: You cannot override any job description attributes for autostart jobs, workstation jobs, or communication jobs.