Saving system data

System data is IBM-supplied data that runs the hardware and software for your system. System data includes the Licensed Internal Code and IBM® i objects in QSYS, libraries, and directories.

The easiest way to save your system data is with menu option 22 of the GO SAVE command. This saves all of your system data as well as security data and configuration data.

To manually save your system data, use the SAVSYS commands. You can use the same device that you use for the SAVSYS command to perform an initial program load (IPL) of your system. You can also use the SAVSYS save media to perform the IPL.
SAV DEV('/QSYS.LIB/media-device-name.DEVD') +
    OBJ(('/QIBM/ProdData') +
    ('/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData')) +
Important: Be sure to permanently apply all Licensed Internal Code PTFs (fixes) before using the SAVSYS command, or the GO SAVE menu option 21 or 22.