Dynamic device allocation

Dynamic device allocation enables you to allocate tape devices as they are needed.

You can allocate your tape devices in any of the following ways:

  • All tape devices needed for the save operation are allocated in the beginning.
  • Only one tape device is allocated at the beginning of a save operation. The maximum number of devices are allocated when data is ready to be written.
  • The number of devices specified for the minimum parallel device resources field is allocated at the beginning of a save operation. Additional devices are allocated when data is ready to be written.
Note: Use the Create Media Definition API to specify your preferred value.

Dynamic tape allocation restrictions

  • Initially all of the save operations will continue to allocate at least one device. Any operation that does not use a media definition will allocate its device at the beginning of the operation.
  • Devices will not be dynamically deallocated.
  • The dynamically allocated devices will be limited to these points in time
    • After a save-while-active checkpoint.
    • When the initial library data is ready to be written to an available device.