Volume Movement Report (QP1AVMS)

Running the MOVMEDBRM command produces the Volume Movement report. The Volume Movement report shows all volumes that were moved or not moved from one location to another location. The report shows the current location, when the volume moved to the current location, the date and location of the next move, and the current move policy controlling the volume movement. There is also a section at the bottom of the report called the Volume Identifier Information. This reports all the volumes that have a thirty-two character volume identifier.

If there are errors that are associated with a volume, an error code will be associated with that volume. The possible error codes are:
  1. Error *1 No move policy or no move rules were found. Volume will move to default home location.
  2. Error *2 Unable to assign a container for indicated volume.
  3. Error *3 Location reached maximum number of volumes. Move operation bypassed.
  4. Error *4 Location reached maximum number of containers. Move operation bypassed.
  5. Error *5 Volume movement for this move policy was prevented by move calendar schedule.
  6. Error *6 Reference calendar refers to a calendar previously defined.
  7. Error *7 Volume marked for duplication.