Centralized Media Audit Report (QP1ASYN)

The Centralized Media Audit report is produced when you process the STRMNTBRM command and the system is in a BRMS network (the Network Feature is installed and configured). The report is not produced when you are in a single system environment. You should understand why you find errors and what updates BRMS has made to correct them.

The report indicates both the from system and the to system that you are auditing. The report will indicate for each volume whether the volume was found on the network system and if so was either system updated with information from the other system.

The following should be noted about this report:
  • Volumes that are found in error or that were updated are listed by volume. Volumes that had neither condition are not listed.
  • Total volumes checked is the number of volumes across all systems in the BRMS network.
  • Volumes in error is the number of volumes that the audit has found to be in error. Volume entries that are found to be different between systems can cause errors. An example of a difference is a volume that is shown to exist on one system but not on another.
  • Volumes updated is the number of BRMS volumes which have been changed as a result of the audit. For instance, volume entries can have a different internal time stamp. These volumes will be changed with the most recent update that is applied to the older entries.
Note: If you cannot reconcile the information that is provided in the report, contact level 2 IBM® support.