Tape Information Exit Program

Required Parameter Group:
1 Operational information Input Char(*)
Exit Point Name: QIBM_A1A_TAPE_INF
Exit Point Format Name: MEDI0100

The exit program is called each time that a file is written to a tape. The exit program must be registered to the exit point described above. For example, if a SAVLIB command saved 10 libraries to a tape, the exit would be called 10 times, passing information about each tape file resulting from the save of the libraries. To use this exit point, the customer must develop an exit program and register it to the exit point name and exit point format name shown above. After registration, BRMS will call the program and pass the information described by the parameters.

Required Parameter Group

Operation information
INPUT; Char(*)

Information about the tape operation at the time the exit program is called.

Format of Operational Information

The following table shows the format of the operational information. For a description of each field, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 Binary(4) Length of operational information
4 4 Char(1) Volume operation
5 5 Char(17) Volume label
22 16 Char(10) Device name
32 20 Char(4) Device type
36 24 Char(80) Volume VOL1 label
116 74 Char(80) Volume HDR1 label
196 C4 Char(80) Volume HDR2 label
276 114 Char(24) Reserved
Note: Volume header and end of volume formats can be found in the IBM® standard tape labels documentation. The exit point is used when access to a tape begins.

Field Descriptions

Device name
The name of the device on which the volume is loaded.
Device type
The type of tape device.
Length of operational information
The length of the data in the structure.
Volume HDR1
The header from the standard label.
Volume HDR2
The second header from the standard label volume.
Volume label
The volume label identifier of the volume.
Volume operation
The type of operation being performed on the volume. The values are:
An output operation is performed on the volume.
An input operation is performed on the volume.
Volume VOL1
The standard tape label volume information.