BRMS Retrieve Media Information (Q1ARTVMED) API

Required Parameter Group:
1 Receiver variable Output Char(*)
2 Length of receiver Input Binary(4)
3 Format name Input Char(8)
4 Control value information Input Char(33)
5 Error code I/O Char(*)
Default Public Authority: *USE
Threadsafe: No

The BRMS retrieve media information API lets you retrieve BRMS media information for a specific volume or select an active or expired volume in a media class and/or location.

Required Parameter Group

Receiver variable
OUTPUT; Char(*)

The receiver variable that is to receive the information requested. You can specify the size of the area to be smaller than the format requested as long as you specify the length of the receiver variable correctly. As a result, the API returns only the data the area can hold.

Length of receiver variable
INPUT; Binary(4)

The length of the receiver variable. This length must be at least 6 bytes.

Format name
INPUT; Char(8)

MEDV0100 is the only format name available.

Control value information
INPUT; Char(*)

Information needed by the API to select a media volume is supplied in this structure. For more information, see Format of Control Value Information.

Error code

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error Code Parameter.

Format of the Generated Information

The following table shows the format of the MEDV0100. The MEDV0100 format includes the information about the requested media volume. For a description of each field, see Field Descriptions for the Generated Information.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 Char(6) Volume serial
6 06 Char(4) Secure volume
10 0A Char(10) Media group type
20 14 Char(13) Media group identification
33 21 Char(10) Media class
43 2B Char(10) Location
53 35 Char(7) Move date
60 3C Char(10) Move policy
70 46 Char(7) Expiration date
77 4D Char(1) Volume expired indicator
78 4E Char(7) Creation date
85 55 Char(4) Volume sequence
89 59 Char(6) Beginning volume
95 5F Char(50) Volume description
145 91 Char(8) Registered system
153 99 Char(8) System using volume
161 A1 Char(10) Job name
171 AB Char(6) Job number
177 B1 Char(10) User
187 BB Char(10) Next location
197 C5 Char(7) Next move date
204 CC Char(10) Container ID
214 D6 Char(6) Slot number
220 DC Char(10) Previous location
230 E6 Char(1) Move verification pending

Field Descriptions for the Generated Information

Beginning volume
The first volume of a multi-volume set.
Container ID
The container ID of the container in which the volume is stored, if you are using containers.
Creation date
The date expressed in cyymmdd (century, year, month, day) format that the most current data was written on the media.
Expiration date
The date expressed in cyymmdd (century, year, month, day) format that the media expires and can be used as scratch media.
Job name
The name of the job that created the media.
Job number
The number of the job that created the media.
The location where the media is currently stored.
Media group type
A grouping factor assigned by BRMS to handle *GRPnnn moves.
Media group identification
A sub-grouping to bundle like volumes in the same group.
Media class
The media class assigned to the volume.
Move date
The date expressed in cyymmdd (century, year, month, day) format that the media is scheduled to move.
Move verification pending
Indicates whether BRMS marked the volume for movement and based on the move policy specified below, whether the move must be verified before it can actually occur. The values are:
Verification of moves is not in effect and the volume has been moved when this exit point is reached. The current location is the location to which the volume was moved.
The volume has not moved yet, verification of moves is in effect and the location shows the current location of the volume. The next location shows where BRMS intends to move the volume.
Move policy
The name of the move policy associated with the volume.
Next location
The next location to which the media will move.
Next move date
The date expressed in cyymmdd (century, year, month, day) format on which the media is scheduled to move next.
Previous location
The location the media moved from to arrive at its current location.
Registered system
The system whose License Manager was used to register the media.
Secure volume
Whether the media requires special authority for read access.
Slot number
The slot number assigned to the media.
System using volume
The system name of the system that last wrote data on the tape.
The identification of the user who is assigned to the volume.
Volume expired indicator
Indicates whether or not the volume is expired. The values are:
The volume is expired.
The volume is active.
Volume serial
The volume serial of the media.
Volume sequence
The sequence number of the volume in a media set.
Volume description
A text description of the volume.

Format of Control Value Information

The following table shows the format of the control value information. For a description of each field, see Field Descriptions for Control Value Information.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 Char(6) Volume serial
6 06 Char(10) Media class
16 10 Char(10) Location
26 1A Char(7) Expiration date

Field Descriptions for Control Value Information

Volume serial
The volume serial ID for the media volume to be retrieved. The values are:
A six character media volume serial.
Specify to request that an expired volume be located.
Specify to request that an active volume with space available for write operations be located.
Media class
A media class name that will be used to locate the media volume. This field must be specified if special values *EXP or *ACT are specified for theVolume serial field. The possible values are:
Specifies the retrieved volume can be assigned to any media class.
Specifies the retrieved volume must be assigned to this media class.
A location name that will be used to locate the media volume. This field must be specified if special values *EXP or *ACT are specified for theVolume serial field. The possible values are:
Specifies the retrieved volume can be assigned to any location.
Specifies the retrieved volume must be assigned to this location.
Expiration date
The expiration date expressed in cyymmdd (century, year, month, day) format that will be used to locate an active media volume.
Specifies any active volume can be retrieved that meets the media class and location control values.
Specifies the expiration date used to retrieve active volumes. If an active volume with the specified date cannot be retrieved, then the first available active volume that meets the media class and location control values is retrieved.
Specifies that a date is not necessary to locate the media volume. This value should not be specified whenever the Volume serial is specified with the special value *ACT.

Error Messages

  • BRM1147 E Volume not found.
  • BRM1480 E No media of class &1; available.
  • BRM1868 E File &1 not opened successfully.
  • CPF24B4 E Severe error while addressing parameter list.
  • CPF3CF1 E Error code parameter not valid.
  • CPF3C19 E Error occurred with receiver variable specified.
  • CPF3C1E E Required parameter omitted.
  • CPF3C21 E Format name &1; is not valid.
  • CPF3C24 E Length of receiver variable is not valid.
  • CPF3C3B E Value for parameter &2 for API &1 not valid.
  • CPF3C4B E Value not valid for field &1.