Collecting system performance data

Collecting data is an important step toward improving performance.

When you collect performance data, you gather information about your system that can be used to understand response times and throughput. It is a way to capture the performance status of the system, or set of systems, involved in getting your work done. The collection of data provides a context, or a starting point, for any comparisons and analysis that can be done later. When you use your first data collections, you have a benchmark for future improvements and a start on improving your performance today. You can use the performance data you collect to make adjustments, improve response times, and help your systems achieve peak performance. Performance problem analysis often begins with the simple question: "What changed?" Performance data helps you answer that question.

There are four collectors that have access to and can collect the data.

  • Collection Services
  • Job Watcher
  • Disk Watcher
  • Performance Explorer