wctype() — Get Handle for Character Property Classification


#include <wctype.h>
wctype_t wctype(const char *property);

Language Level





The wctype() function is defined for valid character class names. The property is a string that identifies a generic character class. These character class names are defined in all locales: alnum, alpha, blank, cntrl, digit, graph, lower, print, punct, space, upper, xdigit. The function returns a value of type wctype_t, which can be used as the second argument to a call of the iswctype() function.

The wctype() function determines values of wctype_t according to rules of the coded character set that are defined by character type information in the program's locale (category LC_CTYPE). Values that are returned by the wctype() are valid until a call to setlocale() that changes the category LC_CTYPE.

Return Value

The wctype() function returns zero if the given property name is not valid. Otherwise, it returns a value of type wctype_t that can be used in calls to iswctype().


#include <wchar.h>
#define   UPPER_LIMIT   0xFF
int   main(void)
   int   wc;
   for   (wc   =   0;   wc  <=   UPPER_LIMIT;   wc++)   {
      printf("%#4x ",   wc);
      printf("%c",   iswctype(wc,   wctype("print"))  ?   wc    : ' ');
      printf("%s",   iswctype(wc,   wctype("alnum"))  ?   "AN"  : " ");
      printf("%s",   iswctype(wc,   wctype("alpha"))  ?   "A"   : " ");
      printf("%s",   iswctype(wc,   wctype("blank"))  ?   "B"   : " ");
      printf("%s",   iswctype(wc,   wctype("cntrl"))  ?   "C"   : " ");
      printf("%s",   iswctype(wc,   wctype("digit"))  ?   "D"   : " ");
      printf("%s",   iswctype(wc,   wctype("graph"))  ?   "G"   : " ");
      printf("%s",   iswctype(wc,   wctype("lower"))  ?   "L"   : " ");
      printf("%s",   iswctype(wc,   wctype("punct"))  ?   "PU"  : " ");
      printf("%s",   iswctype(wc,   wctype("space"))  ?   "S"   : " ");
      printf("%s",   iswctype(wc,   wctype("print"))  ?   "PR"  : " ");
      printf("%s",   iswctype(wc,   wctype("upper"))  ?   "U"   : " ");
      printf("%s",   iswctype(wc,   wctype("xdigit")) ?   "X"   : " ");
   return   0;
      The   output   should   be   similar   to   :
      0x1f              C
      0x20           B                   S    PR
      0x21   !                  G       PU      PR
      0x22   "                  G       PU      PR
      0x23   #                  G       PU      PR
      0x24   $                  G       PU      PR
      0x25   %                  G       PU      PR
      0x26   &                  G       PU      PR
      0x27   '                  G       PU      PR
      0x28   (                  G       PU      PR
      0x29   )                  G       PU      PR
      0x2a   *                  G       PU      PR
      0x2b   +                  G       PU      PR
      0x2c   ,                   G       PU      PR
      0x2d   -                  G       PU      PR
      0x2e   .                   G       PU      PR
      0x2f   /                   G       PU      PR
      0x30   0   AN            D    G             PR      X
      0x31   1   AN            D    G             PR      X
      0x32   2   AN            D    G             PR      X
      0x33   3   AN            D    G             PR      X
      0x34   4   AN            D    G             PR      X
      0x35   5   AN            D    G             PR      X

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