wcsncmp() — Compare Wide-Character Strings


#include <wchar.h>
int wcsncmp(const wchar_t *string1, const wchar_t *string2, size_t count);

Language Level




Wide Character Function

See Wide Characters for more information.


The wcsncmp() function compares up to count wide characters in string1 to string2.

The wcsncmp() function operates on null-ended wide-character strings; string arguments to this function should contain a wchar_t null character marking the end of the string.

Return Value

The wcsncmp() function returns a value indicating the relationship between the two strings, as follows:

Table 1. Return values of wcsncmp()
Value Meaning
Less than 0 string1 less than string2
0 string1 identical to string2
Greater than 0 string1 greater than string2


This example demonstrates the difference between the wcscmp() function, which compares the entire strings, and the wcsncmp() function, which compares only a specified number of wide characters in the strings.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#define SIZE 10
int main(void)
  int  result;
  int  index = 3;
  wchar_t buffer1[SIZE] = L"abcdefg";
  wchar_t buffer2[SIZE] = L"abcfg";
  void print_result( int, wchar_t *, wchar_t * );
  result = wcscmp( buffer1, buffer2 );
  printf( "Comparison of each character\n" );
  printf( "  wcscmp: " );
  print_result( result, buffer1, buffer2 );
  result = wcsncmp( buffer1, buffer2, index);
  printf( "\nComparison of only the first %i characters\n", index );
  printf( "  wcsncmp: " );
  print_result( result, buffer1, buffer2 );
void print_result( int res, wchar_t * p_buffer1, wchar_t * p_buffer2 )
  if ( res == 0 )
    printf( "\"%ls\" is identical to \"%ls\"\n", p_buffer1, p_buffer2);
  else if ( res < 0 )
    printf( "\"%ls\" is less than \"%ls\"\n", p_buffer1, p_buffer2 );
    printf( "\"%ls\" is greater than \"%ls\"\n", p_buffer1, p_buffer2 );
/****************  Output should be similar to: ******************
Comparison of each character
  wcscmp: "abcdefg" is less than "abcfg"
Comparison of only the first 3 characters
  wcsncmp: "abcdefg" is identical to "abcfg"

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