The CURRENT TIMESTAMP special register specifies a timestamp that is based on a reading of the time-of-day clock when the SQL statement is executed at the current server.

If this special register is used more than once within a single SQL statement, or used with CURRENT DATE, CURRENT TIME, or the CURDATE, CURTIME, or NOW scalar functions within a single statement; all values are based on a single clock reading.1

If a timestamp with a specific precision is desired, the special register can be referenced as CURRENT TIMESTAMP(integer), where integer can range from 0 to 12. The default precision is 6.


Insert a row into the IN_TRAY sample table. The value of the RECEIVED column should be a timestamp that indicates when the row was inserted. The values for the other three columns come from the host variables SRC (CHAR(8)), SUB (CHAR(64)), and TXT (VARCHAR(200)).

1 LOCALTIMESTAMP and LOCALTIMESTAMP(6) can be specified as a synonym for CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. LOCALTIMESTAMP(n) can be specified as a synonym for CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(n).