Work With LAN Adapters (WRKLANADPT)

The Work with Local Area Network Adapters (WRKLANADPT) command shows a list of active local area network (LAN) adapters.


  1. To determine whether network adapters are active or inactive, the LAN manager performs a query of all adapters that are entered in the network adapter file. Adapters that respond to the query are identified as being active on the network; those that do not respond are identified as being inactive on the network.
  2. Adapters that are not currently entered in the network adapter file are automatically added, and a default adapter name is assigned. The default adapter name consists of the character D, followed by the last nine digits of the adapter address.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
LINE Line description Name Required, Positional 1
OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional

Line description (LINE)

Specifies the name of the line that is attached to the adapters to be displayed.

This is a required parameter.

Output (OUTPUT)

Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job's spooled output.

The output is displayed for interactive jobs or printed with the job's spooled output for non-interactive jobs.
The output is printed with the job's spooled output.



This command displays a list of adapters that are connected to the DETBRANCH line.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Line description &23 not found.
Line description &23 not valid for requested action.
Change failed. Adapter &29 not found in network adapter file.
Request to display active adapters failed.
No adapter entries in network adapter file.
No functional addresses for adapter.