Work with Saved Folders (WRKFLRBRM)

The Work with Saved Folders using BRM (WRKFLRBRM) command displays or prints a report of saved folders, including all subfolders. Folders are selected by date ranges and the resulting display/print can be sequenced in several ways.

If the display option is selected, you can display the documents in each folder and restore them from the media inventory. The report that is produced is the Saved Folders report. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1AFD.

To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for IBM i licensed program installed.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
FLR Folder Character value, *ALL Optional, Positional 1
SLTDATE Select dates Element list Optional
Element 1: From date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT
Element 2: To date Character value, *END, *CURRENT
SAVSTS Save status *ALL, *ERROR, *NOERROR Optional
SORT Sequence option *DATE, *FLR Optional
FROMSYS From system Character value, *LCL Optional
OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional

Folder (FLR)

Specifies the name of the folder or group of folders that you want to display or print.

Include all folders in the display or print.
Specify the name of the folder that you want to display or print.
Specify the generic folder name. For example, specifying ACCFLR* would cause all folder whose names that begin with ACCFLR to be included in the display or print.

Select dates (SLTDATE)

Specifies a range of dates that you want to use when displaying or printing saved folders. The From date is the beginning of a date range of saved folders and the To date is the end of the date range.

Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message.

Element 1: From date

Uses the earliest activity date for the beginning date of the date range.
Use the current date for the beginning date of the date range.
Specify the date entered in job date format with or without date separators for the beginning date of the date range.
Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the starting date of the date range.

Element 2: To date

The last date that a folder was saved is the ending date of the date range that you want to use for the search.
Uses the current date for the ending date of the date range.
Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the ending date of the date range.
Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range.

Save status (SAVSTS)

Specifies whether you want to display or report all successful saves, unsuccessful saves or both.

Include both successful and unsuccessful saves in the display or report.
Include only unsuccessful saves in the display or report.
Include only successful saves in the display or report.

Sequence Option (SORT)

The Work with Saved Folders display or report can be sequenced several ways.

Orders the display or report in date sequence.
Orders the display or report in folder sequence.

From system (FROMSYS)

Specifies the location and network identification of the system whose folder information that you want to work with.

Note: Use the Display Network Attributes (DSPNETA) command to view the system network attributes.

Note: The BRMS Network feature (Option 1) is required to use this value if a value other than *LCL is specified.

Specifies that the from-system is the local system. BRMS uses the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute and not the System name (SYSNAME) network attribute to determine the current system name. In most cases, the systems have the same value specified for LCLLOCNAME as for SYSNAME.
Specifies the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attribute of the remote system for the network operation. The current system Local network ID (LCLNETID) network attribute is used to connect with the remote system.
Specifies the Local network ID (LCLNETID) and the Default local location name (LCLLOCNAME) network attributes of the remote system for the network operation. Specify these values using the format nnnnnnnn.cccccccc where nnnnnnnn is the LCLNETID and cccccccc is the LCLLOCNAME.

Output (OUTPUT)

Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job's spooled output.

The output is displayed (if requested by an interactive job) or printed (if requested by a batch job).
The output is printed with the job's spooled output.



This command displays the Work with Saved Folders panel, where all folders from the beginning of the file to the end of the file are displayed.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Start of change
Cannot establish connection with remote system
Cannot establish connection with remote system &1.amp;1.End of change
Feature not installed.
Feature not licensed.
Access denied for user &1.
Access denied for user &1.
BRMS product initialization required.