Use the Work with CICS Group List Table (WRKCICSGLT) command to list entries in the GLT. You can remove copy or display entries, or add new entries to the list.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
LIB Library Communications name, *LIBL, *CURLIB Optional, Positional 1
GROUP Group Communications name, *FIRST Optional, Positional 2
INSLIB Install library Generic name, name, *FIRST, *ALL, *LIBL, *CURLIB Optional, Positional 3
INSGRP Install group Generic name, name, *FIRST, *ALL Optional, Positional 4

Library (LIB)

Enter the name of the IBM i library which contains the group.

Possible values are:

Group (GROUP)

Enter the name of the group from which the GLT entries are to be listed.

Possible values are:

Install library (INSLIB)

Enter the name of the first part of the GLT entry to be listed. This is also known as the i library that contains the group to be used when starting the CICS control region.

Possible values are:

Install group (INSGRP)

Enter the name of the second part of the GLT entry to be listed. This is also known as the group which is used when starting the CICS control region.

Possible values are:



Error messages
