Start Job Log Server (STRLOGSVR)

The Start Job Log Server (STRLOGSVR) command is used to start the job log server which writes job logs for jobs that are in a job log pending state. See Job log output (LOGOUTPUT) for additional information on which jobs are handled by the server.

The job log server will write a job's job log either to a spooled file, to a printer, or to an outfile, if specified to do so (by using the QMHCTLJL, Control job log API).



Keyword Description Choices Notes
NBRSVR Number of servers 1-30, *CALC Optional, Positional 1

Number of servers (NBRSVR)

Specifies the number of job log server jobs to be started. If one or more job log server jobs are already active, this is the number of additional server jobs that will be started. If the number of servers requested would exceed the maximum active, only the difference between the maximum and the current number of active servers will be started. The maximum number of job log servers that can be active at one time is 30.

The number of job log server jobs started will be determined by the system.
Specify the number of job log servers to start.



This command starts the job log server. The number of server jobs started will be determined by the system.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Job log server not started.