Start Job Scheduler (STRJS)

The Start Job Scheduler (STRJS) command allows you to start the IBM Advanced Job Scheduler for i job monitor or capture job information for application software. If you start the job monitor and there are jobs with scheduled dates and times less than the current date and time, you are transferred to the Start Monitor display where you can choose whether you want to start the IBM Advanced Job Scheduler for i monitor without reviewing scheduled jobs or delay starting the monitor until after you have reviewed the pending jobs.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
OPTION Option *MONITOR, *CAPTURE Optional, Positional 1
DTALIB Data library Name, *ALL, *USRPRF, *PROMPT Optional

Option (OPTION)

Specifies whether you want to start the IBM Advanced Job Scheduler for i monitor or you want to begin capturing job information.

Start the IBM Advanced Job Scheduler for i monitor.
Begin capturing job information for application software.

Data library (DTALIB)

Specify the data library that you want to start monitoring for IBM Advanced Job Scheduler for i .

The data library specified in the user profile for the current user will be used.
All existing data libraries will be used.
The data library is supplied through prompting.
Specify the name of the data library that you want to use.



This command starts the Job Scheduler monitor. The monitor stays active until you run the End Job Scheduler (ENDJS) command.

Error messages
