Revoke DPR Authority (RVKDPRAUT)

The Revoke DPR Authority (RVKDPRAUT) command revokes *ALL authority to the DataPropagator control tables and removes a specified subscriber's authority to all registered source tables; the user can no longer register or subscribe to files.

You cannot run the RVKDPRAUT command while the Capture or Apply processes are running, or when applications using the source tables are active. This is because authorizations cannot be changed on files that are in use.

The command issues an error message if a user specified on the command does not exist, if the user running the command is not authorized to the user profiles specified, if the DataPropagator control tables do not exist , or if the user running the command does not have permission to grant authorities to the DataPropagator for control tables.

Error Messages for RVKDPRAUT

*ESCAPE Messages

Not allowed to revoke registration authority.
Not allowed to revoke subscription authority.
Authority revoked. Not revoked from some objects.
Subscription authority revoked. Not revoked from some objects.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
USER User Single values: *PUBLIC
Other values (up to 50 repetitions): Name
Required, Positional 1
CAPCTLLIB Capture control library Name, ASN Optional

User (USER)

Identifies the users who should no longer have registrar or subscriber authority.

The names of up to 50 specified users who should no longer have registrar or subscriber authority.
Authority is revoked from all users who have no specific authority, are not on the authorization list, and whose group profile does not have any authority.

Capture control library (CAPCTLLIB)

Specifies the name of the Capture control library to which authority to be revoked.

Specifies the default capture instance provided with the DataPropagator product for iSeries.
Specifies the name of the capture control library to which authority to be revoked.



Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Not allowed to revoke registration authority.
Not allowed to revoke subscription authority.
Authority revoked. Not revoked from some objects.
Subscription authority revoked. Not revoked from some objects.