Rename SMTP Dist List (RNMSDSTL)

The Rename SMTP Distribution List (RNMSDSTL) command renames the list identifier (ID) of an existing distribution list.

A distribution list is a list of mail recipient entries. It also can include distribution lists, but the included distribution lists should be in a form of email address.

When renaming the distribution list, the new list ID must be unique.If a new list ID is not unique, the list is not renamed and an error message is returned.

Restrictions: You must have security administrator (*SECADM) authority to change, delete or rename a distribution list that you do not own. No special authority is needed for you to change, delete or rename a distribution list that you own. However, to change the ownership of a distribution list that you own, you must have at least change (*CHANGE) authority to the user profile of the user to be named as the new owner.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
LSTID List ID Character value Required, Positional 1
NEWLSTID New List ID Character value Required, Positional 2


Specifies the list identifier of the distribution list to be renamed. A maximum of 10 characters can be specified for it.


Specifies the new list identifier of the distribution list. A maximum of 10 characters can be specified for it.

Restriction: Do not use a name for a distribution list that is the same as an existing user profile or alias in local SMTP mailbox directory.


RNMSDSTL   LSTID(dstlid1)  NEWLSTID(dstlid2)

This command renames a distribution list named dstlid1 into a new distribution list name dstlid2. If the new list ID is unique, the distribution list is changed.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

List ID, &1, cannot be found.
List ID &1 is not a valid name.
*SECADM special authority required to do requested operation.
Distribution list &1 not renamed.
New list identifier &1 is not a valid name.
List ID &1 has an identical name with a user profile or alias &1 in local SMTP mailbox directory.