Print Media Movement (PRTMOVBRM)

The Print Media Movement (PRTMOVBRM) command prints the Media Movement report based on a specified date range, type of move that you request, locations and so on. The report shows all the volumes that have moved (or in the case of *NEXT, which volumes will move to a new location), the from and to locations, the move policy for each volume and the move date. The report, if printed, is written to printer file QP1APVMS.

The Media Movement report can be used to report volumes that have already moved or can be used to report the next scheduled media movement for a volume. Reporting of next scheduled move is performed by selecting the *NEXT variable for the Type parameter.

To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for IBM i licensed program installed.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
SLTDATE Select dates Element list Optional
Element 1: From date Character value, *BEGIN, *CURRENT
Element 2: To date Character value, *CURRENT, *END
TYPE Type *ALL, *NEXT, *NOTVFY, *VFY Optional
LOC From location Name, *ALL, *HOME Optional

Select dates (SLTDATE)

Specifies a range of dates that you want to use when printing the Media Movement report. The From date is the beginning of a date range of media movement and the To date is the end of the date range.

Note: Using this parameter, it is possible to enter a date with no separator, or a number of days which can be up to 5 digits in length. For instance, if you are using month/day/year format, the number 12904 would be formatted as January 29, 2004. If on the other hand, you entered a number 13904, BRMS assume that this is not a date, but rather is a number. BRMS always tries to calculate a calendar date first when a number is entered and then if the date it calculates is not valid, assumes that it is a number of days. If the number that is entered is over 5 digits and the date that it calculates is not valid, you receive an error message.

Element 1: From date

Uses the earliest activity date for the beginning date of the date range.
Use the current date for the beginning date of the date range.
Specify the date entered in job date format with or without date separators for the beginning date of the date range.
Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the starting date of the date range.

Note: If you specify *NEXT in the Type (TYPE) parameter, the number of days after the current date is used to determine the starting date of the date range.

Element 2: To date

Uses the current date for the ending date of the date range.
The last date that a media moves is the ending date of the date range that you want to use for the search.
Specify the date in job date format with or without date separators that you want to be the ending date of the date range.
Specify the number of days before the current day that is used to determine the ending date of the date range.

Note: If you specify *NEXT in the Type (TYPE) parameter, the number of days after the current date is used to determine the ending date of the date range.

Type (TYPE)

Specifies the type of media movement activity that you want to include in the report.

Includes all volumes that have ever been moved and shows the most recent media movement associated with each volume.
Produces the Media Movement report for the next location that media will move to rather than completed moves. The *NEXT option will include all media movement to the next location. Ending dates should be future dates to assure that report results are meaningful for the date range selected.
Includes only media waiting to be verified in the report for the date range selected.
Includes only verified media movement in the report for the date range selected. After this option has been used to report on media, the volumes that were selected in the specified date range do not appear in the report the next time the report is processed.

From location (LOC)

Specifies whether you want the Media Movement report to include a single location or all locations.

Includes all locations in the Media Movement report. Each from and to location movement that is reported will cause a page break, such as From Vault to *HOME would be one part of the report and *HOME to vault would page break and begin a new part of the report.
You want to include the home location (*HOME) in the Media Movement report.
Specify the name of the location that you want to include in the Media Movement report.


Example 1: Printing the Media Movement Report


This command prints a report that includes media entries that have been verified (*VFY) and that are moving from the home location (*HOME).

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Access denied for user &1.
BRMS product initialization required.
All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF.