The End CICS (ENDCICS) command will shut down a CICS control region and specifies what happens to active work being processed by that CICS control region.

All associated CICS shells (user or batch) must be shut down before the CICS control region can complete the shut down. The CICS user shells are informed of the involuntary shut down. Refer to the ENDCICSUSR CL command in order to shut down a CICS user shell without shutting down the CICS control region.

No new CICS shells can be started, that would be associated with the CICS control region being shut down, after this command is executed.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
CTLRGN Control region Communications name, CICS Optional, Positional 1
OPTION How to end *CNTRLD, *IMMED Optional, Positional 2
DELAY Delay time, if *CNTRLD 1-99999, *NOLIMIT Optional, Positional 3

Control region (CTLRGN)

The name of the CICS control region to be shut down. This can be obtained from your CICS System Administrator. The name of the CICS control region is also known as the CICS SYSID.

How to end (OPTION)

Identifies the method used to shut down the CICS control region.

The possible OPTION values are:

Delay time, if *CNTRLD (DELAY)

Indicates the amount of time (in seconds) that is allowed to complete the controlled CICS control region shut down. If this amount of time is exceeded and the CICS control region shut down is not complete, all associated CICS shells associated with the CICS control region are ended.

The possible DELAY values are:



Error messages
