Display Optical Locks (DSPOPTLCK)

The Display Optical Locks (DSPOPTLCK) command displays a list of locks held on an optical volume, directory, or file. If TYPE(*JOB) is specified, this command displays a list of all jobs currently performing an optical request. The information can be printed or displayed.

This command does not identify any locks to volumes, directories, or files which are in remote optical servers. It also does not identify any jobs which are currently using a remote optical server. Use the Display Optical Server (DSPOPTSVR) command with TYPE(*CONV) specified to determine if any jobs are currently using a remote optical server.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
TYPE Type *VOL, *DIR, *FILE, *JOB Required, Positional 1
VOL Volume identifier Character value Optional, Positional 2
PATH Path Character value Optional
OUTPUT Output *, *PRINT Optional

Type (TYPE)

Specifies the type of locks to be displayed or printed.

Job information and locks on the specified optical volume are displayed or printed.
Job information and locks on the specified optical directory are displayed or printed.
Job information and locks on the specified optical file are displayed or printed.
Job information and locks on all jobs currently performing optical requests are displayed or printed.

Volume identifier (VOL)

Specifies the volume identifier of the optical volume for which the locks are listed.

Path (PATH)

Specifies the path name of the directory or file on the volume for which the locks are listed.

Note: This parameter is valid only if TYPE(*DIR) or TYPE(*FILE) is specified.

Output (OUTPUT)

Specifies whether the output from the command is shown at the requesting workstation or printed with the job's spooled output.

Output requested by an interactive job is shown on the display. If the command is run as part of a batch job, the output is printed with the job's spooled output.
The output is printed with the job's spooled output.


Example 1: Displaying Locks on a File


This command displays the locks held on the file JAN1995 in the directory /PAYROLL on the VOL001 volume.

Example 2: Displaying Locks for Active Jobs


This command diplays a list of active jobs performing optical requests.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

File name is too long.