The Copy From Portable Compiled Format File (CPYFRMPCFF) command copies all user-defined DBCS character fonts contained in a Portable Compiled Format (PCF) file to a double-byte character set (DBCS) font table. During the copy operation, a dot matrix conversion is automatically performed.

The following table lists the supported dot matrix conversions.

From DBCS font table     To PCF file
--------------------     -----------
24-by-24                 16-by-16
24-by-24                 24-by-24
24-by-24                 32-by-32
24-by-24                 48-by-48
32-by-32                 16-by-16
32-by-32                 24-by-24
32-by-32                 32-by-32
32-by-32                 48-by-48

There are differences in the number of supported user-defined DBCS characters between a DBCS font table and PCF file.

The following table lists the maximum number of user-defined DBCS character fonts that can be copied for each type of DBCS font table.

                         Maximum   First       Last
DBCS font table          number    DBCS code   DBCS code
----------------------   -------   ---------   ---------
Japanese                 1880      6941        72EA
Korean                   1880      D441        DDEA
Traditional Chinese      2660      D041        DDFE
Simplified  Chinese      1880      7641        7FEA

Restrictions: You must have the following authority:

  1. *USE authority to the CPYIGCTBL, CRTPF, CHKIN and CHKOUT commands.
  2. *CHANGE authority to the DBCS font table.
  3. *X authority to directories in the PCF file path name prefix.
  4. *RW authority to the PCF file.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
FROMPCFF From PCF file Path name Required, Positional 1
TOIGCTBL To DBCS font table QIGC2424, QIGC2424K, QIGC2424C, QIGC2424S, QIGC3232, QIGC3232S Required, Positional 2
RPLFNT Replace font *NO, *YES Optional

From PCF file (FROMPCFF)

Specifies the path name of the PCF file from which user-defined DBCS character fonts are copied. The PCF file is a stream file object, and it must be a user-defined character set with UCS-2 encoding.

This is a required parameter.

To DBCS font table (TOIGCTBL)

Specifies the name of the DBCS font table to which user-defined DBCS character fonts are copied.

This is a required parameter.

The Japanese DBCS font table used for displaying and printing extension characters in a 24-by-24 dot matrix font.
The Traditional Chinese DBCS font table used for printing extension characters in a 24-by-24 dot matrix font.
The Korean DBCS font table used for printing extension characters in a 24-by-24 dot matrix font.
The Simplified Chinese DBCS font table used for printing extension characters in a 24-by-24 dot matrix font.
The Japanese DBCS font table used for displaying and printing extension characters in a 32-by-32 dot matrix font.
The Simplified Chinese DBCS font table used for printing extension characters in a 32-by-32 dot matrix font.
The name of the DBCS font table to be copied must always be in the format QIGCrrccl, where rr is the table row matrix size, cc is the table column matrix size, and the letter l is an optional language identifier.

Replace font (RPLFNT)

Specifies whether user-defined DBCS character fonts in the specified DBCS font table are replaced with those from the specified PCF file.

The system does not replace user-defined DBCS character fonts in the DBCS font table with those from the specified PCF file.
The system replaces user-defined DBCS character fonts in the DBCS font table with those from the specified PCF file.


Example 1: Copying Without Replacing Existing Fonts

           TOIGCTBL(QIGC2424)  RPLFNT(*NO)

This command copies all user-defined DBCS character fonts contained in the Japanese PCF file named IBM_JPN17.pcf (24-by-24 dot matrix font) in directory /QIBM/ProdData/NetworkStation/fonts/pcf to the Japanese DBCS font table QIGC2424 (24-by-24 dot matrix font). Only user-defined DBCS character fonts that are not found in the DBCS font table are copied.

Example 2: Copying User-Defined DBCS Character Fonts From DBCS Font Table to PCF File Replacing Existing Fonts

CPYFRMPCFF '/QIBM/ProdData/NetworkStation/fonts/pcf/Chtpc17.pcf'
           TOIGCTBL(QIGC2424C)  RPLFNT(*YES)

This command copies all user-defined DBCS character fonts contained in the Traditional Chinese PCF file named Chtpc17.pcf (24-by-24 dot matrix font) in directory /QIBM/ProdData/NetworkStation/fonts/pcf to the Traditional Chinese DBCS font table QIGC2424C (24-by-24 dot matrix). User-defined DBCS character fonts in the DBCS font table are replaced with those found in the PCF file.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

&1 command ended due to error.